Apr 1st - 5th

Federal government is saying that it is unconstitutional to force girls to wear skirts as a part of a uniform. They should at least have the choice of wearing pants because they don't want to be uncomfortable. If they boys don't have to suffer with this then the women shouldn't either. 

The death pentalty costs too much to keep going. It costs more than the life sentence would. You might think that the death sentence might lead to the death of an innocent person but science is too advanced to let that happen. There is a very low chance of that happening. It is unfair for poor people because they don't have the money to back themselves up if they are arrested. Black people also have a 38% to get the death penalty over white people. If you kill the murderer you're forcing the family of that person to suffer. Why should you make the family of the murderer suffer for what the murderer did?

Opioids are extremely adictive. Doctors say to follow the intructions and not drink alcohol with them. Opiates are natural while Opioids are synthetic. People get into heroine from opioids because doctors stop supplying them. You could buy illegal opioids but heroine is not as expensive. 

Opioids are safe as long as you follow the directions. Opioids are more adictive than tobaco and many other drugs. 116 people pverdosed everyday in 2016. 11.5 people misused opioids in 2016. 504 billion dollars were spent to try and fix opioids. Anyone can become adicted. It doesn't matter your gender or race. 54,000 people in 2015 died from an overdose. Doctors are giving out opioids a little too much and too quickly. Men overdose more than girls by two times. It's more even in heroin. When people start taking them a lot they get a tolerence for the drug and need to take more and more to get the same high. Going threw withdrawal is horrible. You have nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, depresion diarrhea, and goosebumbs. You'll also have drug cravings. They are meant to be taken as a pill you can't crush them. By injecting drugs you could get stds and infections. Heroin and Opioids ruin peoples lives. After awhile you can tell when someone is adicted. They'll have weight loss, sickness, rotting teeth, and money and family issues. 


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