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3/25 - 3/29


One group did the quiz. Loisa did her presentation on Brazil.


Siege of Leningrad- Germans surrounded the city to force them into starvation. 641,000 people died of starvation. Many people resorted to eating wallpaper paste, rats, and cannibali

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March 25th-March 29th

Monday- Today we continued over the WW2 power point. 

The Battle of Stalingrad.

Germany suffered many deaths.

Russia had more power over Germnay.

Germany was out powered and had no hope.

Germany had control over 90% of the city.

Russia took it over and end

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March 25th-29th

Monday-Start Quizzing over slide notes. One Group Per day. 

Battle of Stalingrad

Soviet Victory

Over 1.8 Million casualties 

More than 11,400 Casualties each day 

The biggest defeat in the history of the Germany Army

It was the turning point in not only th

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Mar 25th - 29th

The Muller report has came out. Muller report found that there was no colusion with the election. Apparently Russia wanted there to be colusion. There might be the crime of instruncting justice, where you try to hide evidence or cover up your tracts.

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Mar 18 - 22


  • Focused on defensive strategies
  • Sat behind line
  • Launched one little offensive
  • Didn't defend upper region well
  • Germany pushed through Ardennes forest and walked right around the wall
  • Britain and Germany wanted defense
  • Germany had EXTREME offense (blit
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March 25-29 US History Notes


- No collusion with Russia and Trump says all is fake and he was always right

-The Battle of Stalingrad, the soviet victory, more than 1,830,000 killed or wounded, more than 11,400 causualties each day, the biggest defeat in the history of the

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March 25-29

Monday: Donald Trump video, group quiz, powerpoint, Moscow, battle of  Stalingrad Soviet victory, famous order to not retreat or we will kill you, turning point of war, worst defeat for Germany, Russian winter, Siege of Leningrad, Germany surrounded

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March 18th-22nd

Soviet-German Non-Agression Pact 

  • Both agreed to stay neutral if the other entered the war 
  • Secretly agreed to invade and split poland and other areas that were lost after WWI 
    • Germany would get the western and Russia would get the eastern part of Polan
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March 11 - 15

History Notes

  • Axis Powers
    • Others:
    • Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Croatia
    • Finland and Thailand and Iraq collaborated
    • Countries now acknowledge they were in the wrong
    • Germany, Italy, Japan

Treaty of Versailles

    • Germany lost land to Fra
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March 18th-March 22nd


Tuesday- Today we continued to go over the WW2 powerpoint.

We talked about why hitler wanted to take over Europe. 

Hiter makes a quote of eventually taking over Russia. 

Joseph Stalin signed deal with Hitler.

A few years do

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Mar 18th - 22th

Women might get pregnant then they wont be able to be deployed. Women choose when they get pregnant though. Men may be stronger than women but they are more calm and mature in stressful situations. Women might be added to the draft which means they a

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March 18 - March 22

Monday - Went over movies 

Tuesday - Continued wih the Germany PowerPoint 

What drove Hitler to do what he did in Europe?

  • Desire to get revenge from the Great War and undo the Treaty of Versailles
    • Re-unite German speaking peoples
    • Make Germany respectable
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US History Notes 3-18-3-22

Monday- Movie presentations


Next movie is due next Friday

- How did the world react to this Pact?

- Shock and concern, hitler had a non agression pact with Poland at the time

- Hitler thought it would force Great Britain and France to back out of

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3/18 - 22


We discussed our movie reviews.




We went over our schedules for next year.


France was split during WWII between people that were pro nazi/german french and allied french. The Maquis- Normal French people that fought back against Na

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March 18-22

Monday: forum post stories, verbal summaries

Tuesday: plagiarism, summaries continued, powerpoint, review, western Europe, soviet union, non-aggression pact, Poland, trade, blitzkrieg-lighting war, rid of the poles, cleanse, video on blitzkrieg, some

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Mar 11th-15th

Rich people are paying people to get their kids into elite colleges. Middle class people are upset because they are getting in without trying. The rich people are now being held with charges. Most students didn't realize that this is what happened. T

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3/11 - 3/15


Main Axis Powers- Germany, Italy, and Japan

Other Axis Powers- Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Croatia, Finland, Thailand, and Iraq.

Puppet Governments- Albania, Burma, Montenegro, Quisling, Norway, and Vichy France.

The Tre

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March 11th-15th


Swastika- The symbol of nazi germany, generally considered wrong to use in modern culture 

Treaty of Versailles-Changed the land borders of europe, mostly took land from Austria, Germay, and Russia

Germany had to give land back which was taken i

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