April 8th-12th

Monday:Start going over Japan and America in WW2

Goals of Japan in WW2-

Be the dominant power in Asia

Revive the Japanese economy from depression

Create the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

It would protect asian countries from western powers. 

Areas Controlled by Japan

A Good Chunk of China

Hong Kong

British New Guinea


Indonesia(Dutch East Indies)

North Borneo



Wake Island(US)


Gilbert and Ellice Island(UK) 



Air Raids on Australia

  • Broome(Western Australia)
  • Darwin(Northern Territory,Australia)
  • Newcastle(New South Wales,Australia)
  • Sydney(New South Wales,Australia)

British Columbia(Canada)


Sri Lanka


United States

  • Santa Barbara(California)
  • Pearl Harbor(Hawaii)
  • Midway IslandFort Stevens(Oregon) 

1800s-1900's Japan

Commodore Matthew Perry sailed to Japan in 1854 and forced it to open its ports to Western Nations

  • Japan had been extremely isolationist for hundreds of years 
  • This made Japan realize they needed to become like the West so the West didn't conquer them

First Sino-Japanese War(1894-1895)

  • Japan beat China and gained control of Korea and Taiwan

Russo-Japanese War(1904-1905)

  • This made Japan the major power in Asia,  replacing Russia

Japan fought for the Allies in WWI

  • Took over man German colonies and interests in Asia and extended their control in China
  • Felt disprespected and the Paris Peace Conference as the "Racial Equality Proposal" they proposed did not pass.


They Joined the League of Nations

Signed the 4,5 and 9 Power Pacts

4 Power-US,GB,France and Japan would respect other's posessions in the Pacific

5 Power Pact-US, GB, France, Italy,  and Japan would limit naval sizei

9 Power Pact-US, GB, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal and China agree to the open door policy and guarantee Chinese independance

Signed the Kellog-Briand Pact

The Great Depression had a huge impact on Japan

Japanese Invasion of Manchuria(1931)

The Japanese invaded to gather resources, and sell products in order to make money with the large population of China itself 

Rape of Nanking(1937-38)

A mass killing of Chinese people(300,000)

Mass raping of Chinese women and girls(20,000)

Mass looting and arson

Other Brutalities

Some in Japan have denied that the military killed for no reason

Still causes tension between China and Japan

There was a war crime trial afterward to try Japanese Soldier for participation

Japan killed almost 6,000,000 people including Koreans,Chinese,Indonesians,Phillipinos. 

The US

Never Signed the Treaty of Versailles, Didn't join the League of Nations 

We were isolationist 

We signed the four power pact, five power pact, nine power pact, and the kellog-briand pact. 

Neutrality Acts

Designed to Keep the US neutral

In response to keep us out of the war that broke out in the 1930's

They were caused by the desire to be isolationist

Passed to ensure that the US would not become involved in world conflicts. 

US has had a very strong history of isolationism, which started with Washington

American First- a commitee that pushed for the US to stay out of foreign affairs, and work on making the us better. 

Act of 1935-stop trading with countries at war

Act of 1936-stop loaning money to countries at war 

Act of 1937-Cash and Carry System-weapons not included

Panay Incident-December 1937

American Gunboat attack on a river in China by Japan

3 US Troops Killed 45 Injured

Japan Apologized and said it was an accident

Worsened US-Japan Relations. 








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