What were the goals of Japan on WWII
Be the dominant power in Asia
Revive the Japanese economy from depression
Japan in the Mid 1800's to early 1900's
US Commodore Mattew Perry sailed to Japan in 1853-54 and forced Japan to open its ports to western nations
Japan had been extremely isolantionist for hundreds for years
This made japan realize they needed to become like the west so the west didn't take them over
First Sino-Japanese War(1894-1895)
Japan won and gained control of Korea and Towina
Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05
This made Japan the major power in asia, replacing russia
Japan fought for the WWI
Took over many German colonies and intersets in Asia and extended their control in China
Japan in the 1920's
Joined the League of Nations
Signed the 4,5 and 9 power pacts
Rape of Nanking
Overall throughout WWII, Japan killed almost 6,000,000 people
Emperor Hirohito
Hirohito did give the ok to attack Pearl Harbor
Hideki Tojo
Ruled in the name of the Emperor
Supported Japanese expansion into China and other places in Asia
Supported the alliance with Germany and Italy
Attempt diplomacy with the US but ultimately ordered the Pearl harbor attacked
After numerous,losses Tojo was forced out in July, 1944
Allied Powers:Great Britain,France,China,Soviet Union,United States
US after WWI
US never signed the Treaty of Versailles
Join the league of Nations or go back to isolationism
Republican Warren Harding won 1920 Presidental election with a promise to return to normalcy
The US went back to focusing on America in the 1920's and 1930's
End of US Neutrality-Lend Lease Act
The end of neutrality for the US came with the Lend Lease Act passed in March 1941
This act allowed the U.S. to sell, lend or give war materials to nations the US wanted to support
US gave $50 billion($650 billion today) to Allied Nations throughout the war
US gave Great Britain 35 million
US gave Russia 11 million
US gave China 5 million
Selective Training and Service Act
Passed in September,1930 and ended in 1947
Required that men between the ages of 21 and 35 register for the draft
Extended to all men ages
Pearl Harbor
December 7.1941-Sunday-7:40AM and 8:50AM
Battle Results: Japanese major victory. U.S. declaration of War on Japan. Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S. U.S. declares war on Germany and Italy