During the civil war morphine was used as anesthetic. Heroin was first made in 1898 as a way to get people off of morphine. The Harrison Marcotics Act was put into place during 1914. It was so you needed a doctors prescription to have drugs. In 1924 heroin is banned in the US. 1970 is when drugs are starting to be grouped together into Schedules, schedule 1 being the worst. Heroin is in this group. 1980 opioids started being used as pain medicine for chronic pain. 2016 guidelines are made for opioids. They recommend excersise and other medications first instead of opioids. In 2017 President Donald Trump signs an executive order about opioids. Doctors also started to give smaller doses to new opioid user. In 2018 a SUPPORT act started. It's supposed to find better pain medication and to educate kids and others about opioids.
Julian Assange created Wikileaks. It leaks information. In 2010 they leaked a bunch of military documents from Afganistan, then in 2016 they leaked decocratic emails. He was arrested today. Extradition will happen to him. That's when you flee to another country but the country sends you back to America so you can go to court. He was arrested by British police. The autonry general is saying that the FBI, or others, spied on Trump's campain. It's too early to say if anything actually happened.