Should There Be Year-round School?

         Schools becoming year-round is something many schools consider. Many year-round schools are helping kids reach more academic achievement. A 2019 year-round school scheduling analysis was put out by PubMed Central (PMC). " Students may lose knowledge and skills achieved in the school year during the summer break"(PMC). This is true because there have been many studies and research put out. Many low-incom4e students are likely to forget what they have learned in the previous school years, not just low-income even middle-income students. Year-round school helps overcome that problem by maintaining academic progress over the year. Many families put their kids in year-round schools because of other benefits, such as saving money, school facilities, and staff resources. They have smaller class sizes and close to no overcrowding so the school can provide more personalized attention to students. They have been proven to decrease school absences among students and teachers. Because teachers have to be on the school campus year-round students that are struggling can have easier access to tutoring and support.

         Those were the benefits of having the year-round school schedule and what they offer. But to having pros there are cons. One of the main ones pertains to family vacations because most families often plan trips around the traditional school schedule. Extracurricular activities, sports, and programs over the summer also correlate with established school schedules. Having year-round would limit the activities a student could participate in. Because of no summer break students and teachers might likely burn out. Because a long summer break might impact their well-being, some students need more time to "recharge" and time for family and friends or maybe just to themselves. Increased operational costs are also a challenge. Like regular schools, schools may face higher costs for maintenance, utilities, and staffing since the entire building is used year-round. With this teachers may have less time to prepare a curriculum for the school year. Additionally, schools may have less time for repairs and renovations done to the school, which is because most schools go into renovations and repairs during summer break. With these potential problems, it would complicate the transition to a year-round schedule. So it presents a significant amount of challenges that need to be considered. 


          My opinion on year-round school is we shouldn't have it, even if it comes to considering it. I like our traditional school schedule and how we have a summer break. Taking in the benefits of the standard school schedule it opens up more time to spend time with families and have vacations. It aligns with our sports and extracurricular activities. Yes, students are bound to forget some parts of learning from the year before, but with the help of teachers. We have it so they can help us with the subject and reteach some of the material. But if we were to have school year-round the teachers would be drained out from constantly teaching. This is the point of having a summer break to provide teachers and students with time to rest or recharge. We (students) don't want to be drowned in schoolwork. We need to leave it how it is so students aren't overwhelmed with how much information and learning they do. I wouldn't have a problem if it is like changing the hours we study, but if it were to change it so we have year-round school. I say it would be a bad idea. There are things I haven't mentioned, like how it could help us. But even with the information I haven't said, I don't think it would convince me to say we should have year-round school.



1.) What do you think about year-round school?

2.) Would you prefer the year-round or traditional school schedule?

3.) How would year-round school affect you?


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    • I agree, their are some students that struggle in the regular traditional school schedule. I don't think that over doing students with more work is necessary. But yet again some year-round schools offer more time to help you personally. But overall students would be tired and I agree with your opinion. 

  • I dont think there should be school year round, I think this because students need time away from school to come back ready to learn with a fresh mindsent. I think it would also be misserable for teachers because they get less time with their familes and more time working on tests and worksheets for their students. 

    • I agree with you. Students would have a hard time and need a good summer break. There is still breaks with year-round school some are longer but still knowing your coming back to school after just one to two weeks every break seems like too much. You would need to plan ahead with whatever it is you are trying to do or accomplish. 

  • I don't think that school should be year round, I think this because being in school for almost everyday for a all 365 days, I think would burn out all the students because there is no break like we have summer. I think that we need our summer. 

  • I think the year-round schedule would fit for some people, but i wouldent enjoy it. The current school schedule is good, exept it needs a two week break for christmas every year. Year round school would affect my summer job alot because its taken in weeks at a time, and i wan mor weeks to work.

  • I think that year-round school would be miserable for both students and teachers. The way it currently is works out perfect in my opinion. I would be very sad if I had to go to school year-round.

    • I agree, the way that it is right now in my opinion is fine I don't think that we need put more things on students and teachers. I don't know if I would sad to go to year-round school, I probably wouldn't like it but I would never know until the time actually comes to try it out. 

  • I think that school year around is just going to stree out students and teachers even more. We already only get two months off of school for a "break". I think that we should leave summer alone and let the people enjoy the hot months outside of the classroom. 

    • I agree, students and teachers would get drained out because a two-week break is not enough. Both teachers and students need a break there are some students that are just too much to deal with and some teachers that are too much. So overall I agree with your opinion. 

  • 2.) Would you prefer the year-round or traditional school schedule? I feel that traditanal is better i feel like kids need breacks and not everyone is going to use everything in school but if you get a job over the summer you will learen more skills that you would actully use 

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