March 11th-15th


Swastika- The symbol of nazi germany, generally considered wrong to use in modern culture 

Treaty of Versailles-Changed the land borders of europe, mostly took land from Austria, Germay, and Russia

Germany had to give land back which was taken in the Brest-Litovsk. The countries today were estonia, latvia, and lithuania. 

Military Consequences for Germany

Germany was not allowed over 100,000 men

Not allowed to have tanks

No Air Force

6 Capital Naval Ships, no submarines

The Rhineland became a demilitarized zone

  • No Germany Military Forces were allowed in this zone
  • The Allies were to keep an army of occupation on the west bank of the Rhine for 15 years

Financial Cost

  • The Loss of territory was a severe blow to Germany's economy
  • Coal from the Saar and Upper Silesia in particular
  • Had to pay 33 Billion Dollars to the Allies(GB/France) 


  • Germany had to take full responsibility for the war 
  • This would be through the infamous "War Guilt Clause" 
  • Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria
  • League of Nations was set up to keep world peace

The German's Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles

  • There was anger throughtout Germany when the terms were made public
  • The treaty was seen as forced upon them and the germans had not choice but to sign it
  • German Representatives in Paris knew that they had no choice as Germany was Incapable of restarting was again 
  • Many right wing group such as the Nazis believed in the Dolchstoss Theory(Stab in the Back Theory)

Weimar Republich

The Democratic Government after WWI

President-Elected every 7 years

Paul Von Hindenburg

Chancellor-Adolf Hitler

Article 48-Allowed the President to make laws without Parliament in an emergency 

Adolf Hitler

Born 1889 in Vienna, Austria

His brother died in 1900

He became more moody and withdrawn, having trouble in school and problems with his dad

His Dad died in 1903 and his mom died in 1907

He first became anti-Semetic during his time in Vienna, Austria

He failed to get into art school two different times 

He started selling paintings in the streets of Vienna 

He failed his examination to get into the Austro-Hungarian army

He would later join the Germany Army for WWI 

Hitler was wounded twice while serving

Injured by shell explosion

temporarily blinded by gas attack

After WWI hitler starts spying on the Nationalist Socialist Party(Nazi) for the Germany Military

Hitler quickly realized that this group discussed topics he believed in. 

Beer Hall Putsch(1923)-A hostile takeover of the Weimar Republic through the Nazi Party, which ultimately failed. 

After this, he contemplated suicide, and the ended up going to prison for treason 

His trial made him a nationwide figure through the trial that would convict him. 

 During the Sudetenland Crisis, there was a conference held, which was the Munich Confererence, and it was the meeting of Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, and Mussolini. 

Hitler Took all this land as a short term revenge plan for the treaty of versailles, racism, and the destruction of the soviet union. 

Lebensraum- means living space for the german people, in which hiter wanted to take over Eastern Europe(Poland, Russia, Czechoslovakia.) Hitler planned on taking this land in order ot provide for the German Arryan peoples. 


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