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March 11-15

Monday: review over what we went over, treaty of Versailles, US never signed it, Wilson brought it back from France, Congress didn't like it because of League of nations it would pull us into war constantly, aimed at punishing Germany, Wilson had 14

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feb 4th to march 7th


4-8  Factors that lead to the great depression the stock market crash of 1929,bank failures,reduction of purchases ,american economic policy with europe, drought conditions, the 1929 stock market crash on october 1929 investors traded 16 million sha

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3/4 - 3/8


Test Day


Test Day


We discussed our projects and expectations for them.


Main Axis Powers- Germany, Italy, and Japan

Other Axis Powers- Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Croatia, Finland, Thailand, and Iraq.

Puppet Governm

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