March 25-29

Monday: Donald Trump video, group quiz, powerpoint, Moscow, battle of  Stalingrad Soviet victory, famous order to not retreat or we will kill you, turning point of war, worst defeat for Germany, Russian winter, Siege of Leningrad, Germany surrounded the city, 641,000 people died from starvation, Hitler eating his words cartoon, 1942 turning point, North Africa, Operation Torch, 1943 Axis forces surrendered in North Africa, pushed back to Italy, focused on Sicily next, take Sicily and use it to launch an attack into Italy, Operation Avalanche-invasion of southern Italy, 1943, Italy changed sides, Mussolini had to be saved by Hitler, Germany takes northern Italy, 1941 was the Pearl Habor attack, The Atlantic Wall

Tuesday: quiz, D-Day, June 6th 1944, Normandy Landing, Patton lost position for a time because he slapped a soldier in shell shock, put together military force that was balloons, July 20, 1944, Assassination plot, attempt to assassinate Hitler, bomb, he survived, The Liberation of Paris, August 25, 1944, The Battle of the Bulge, Hitler launched massive offensive, winter, huge, but we held out, Russian and U.S. soldiers meet 1945 April 25, then Soviet Union is enemy, cold war, April 30th, 1945 Hitler Commits Suicide, marries the love of his life and commit suicide together, V-E victory in Europe day May 8th 1945, the Holocaust, genocide of Jews, wanted to kill all 9 million Jews, killed 6 million

Wednesday: no school

Thursday: quiz, roma, gypsies, more Germans here than any other ethnic group, Jehovah's Witnesses, Hitler hated mixed races, Jews controlled banks, Lebensborn-Fount of Life, Ayran, Hitler's final solution, Hitler Jewish question 1933, Nuremburg Laws, 1936, boycott, Kristallnacht- 1938, night of broken glass, jews sent to concentration camps, 1938 no elementary school for jews, no buisnesses, murder 1939 of mental and physically disabled, subhuman jews, 1940 deporting german jews to poland, death camps 1940,  1941 forced in ghettos-death camps continued

Friday: quiz, movie summaries

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