One group did the quiz. Loisa did her presentation on Brazil.
Siege of Leningrad- Germans surrounded the city to force them into starvation. 641,000 people died of starvation. Many people resorted to eating wallpaper paste, rats, and cannibalism. What ended the siege was more German troops left to go fight in Stalingrad, making it easier for Soviets to take back Leningrad. Over 1 million people died.
North Africa- Almost all of North Africa was split between France and Italy territory.
Operation Torch- First time and place we attacked Germany in North Africa. It was the invasion of Morocco and North Africa and in 6 months Africa is free.
Allies take Sicily and make their way into Italy. On June 5, 1944, Rome is liberated. Allies take over Southern Italy but Germany takes over Northern Italy.
June 6, 1944- D-Day- Germans were dug in and the Americans had to get off boats and charge the shore while being sot at and the threat of drowning.
Major Claus von Stauffenberg attempted to kill Hitler and take over so they could drop out of the war. He believed Hitler was going to be the downfall of the country so he tried to kill him. He failed and Hitler executed them for treason.
The Battle of the Bulge- Germany's last offensive even though at this point he had already lost. Hitler was just delaying the inevitable and killing millions of his own troops and other troops in the process.
When Hitler was about to be defeated, he took a cyanide pill along with his wife before shooting himself in the head. He ordered his troops to burn his body so the Allies couldn't take him.
Holocaust- The genocide of approximately six million European Jews during WWII. Nazi Germany carried out the extermination of Jews in any land they conquered.
What is Genocide? Acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethical, racial, or religious group.
The term genocide was adopted in 1948, meaning it was basically a mass killing/harm targeted towards a certain group rather than random killings.
What is the Aryan Race?- Nazis used the term to refer to a so-called master race that originated around Germany. A perfect Aryan was Blonde Haired and Blue eyed.
People Inferior to Hitler- Jews, Roma/Gypsies, Mentally/Physically handicapped people, Soviet Slavs/POW's/Troops and Poles, Homosexuality, Communists/Socialists, Dark-skinned people, Mixed races, and Jehovah's Witnesses.
Lebensborn- A program aimed to promote the growth of "superior" Aryan populations by providing excellent health care and living conditions to women who were of the Aryan race. Houses were set up throughout Germany and many occupied territories. Many Lebensborn children were born to unwed mothers led to many rumors of rape. Contrary to rumors, women were not forced to have relations with Aryan Germans.
Nazis "temporarily" suspend civil liberties for all citizens in 1933-Never restores. The Nazis set up the first concentration camp at Dachau in 1933. The first inmates are 200 Communists. Jews are prohibited from working as civil servants, doctors in the National Health Service, the teachers in public high schools and colleges. Most Jewish students are banned from public high schools and colleges.