Monday- Movie presentations
Next movie is due next Friday
- How did the world react to this Pact?
- Shock and concern, hitler had a non agression pact with Poland at the time
- Hitler thought it would force Great Britain and France to back out of their promise to help Poland if attacked that they agreed to go after Hitler after Czechsolvakia
- Airplanes plan to bomb bridges, airports, communication centers, don't allow poland to shoot, take out their capacity
- Main forve links up with other units cutting off the enemy, goal was acheive victory quickly as possible
-Sitzkrieg- The Phoney War Winter 1939/1940
- Declared war on Germany and Poland ended up sitting and doing nothing so called phoney
- Hitler Invaded these countries in summer, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Luxemborg, France
- The Phoney War ends Spring, 1940
- The Battle of France- 1940, Germany Invades France through Belgium
- France built the Maginot Line
Wednesday- Classes sign up
- Miracle of Dunkirk, germans continue to push the british and the french
- Dunkirk 340,000 allied troops evacuated, have row boats to get people, cant have too big of boats
- Now britain is all alone, has no one and is in trouble
- "We shall never surrender." Winston Churchill, will fight never give up
-German advances until the Armistice Battle of France June 4-22 1940
-France surrenders June,1940 had railroad car shipped in the same car germany had to surrender in
- A divided France- The Vichy Government the pro german french led by the french, Henri Petain
- The French Resistance, The Free French Underground- name of the government in london througout the war, The Maquis a group of french people living in occupied french spied on the germans, General Charles DeGaulle
- The Chimera- mytholgical beast
- Axis invasion of the Balkans(Yugoslavia)-1941, split it all up
- Battle of Britain- September 1940- May, 1941
-Operation Sea Lion- was a code name given to germany against GB and cross the english channel and invade, hitlers military general said were not ready yet, it would've been a blood battle and not looked good
- Nazi Goals for the Battle of Britain
- Destroy the Royal Air Force, 2. Attack and destroy the British Navy, 3. Attack British Troops, 4. Once air control was gained the invasion of Great Britain would begin, Germany never succeded in acheiving number one, German bombers did so poorly agianst the RAF that they started bombing at night only
- Great Britain was aided heavily by the radar and Ultra
- Air raid shelters during the blitz
-Results, In may 1941 Germany decided to focus on attacking British Ships and ports and thus stopped attacking cities
- British losses around 40,000 civilians 46,000-139,000 injuries'
- Britain won by the fact that Germany did not acheive their goals
-Germans losses 3,363 aircrew and 2,265 aircraft
-German Invasion of USSR June 1941
- Final plan for Operation Barbarossa, Over six million military casualties total on both sides, does not include civilains
- Stalingrad, Lenigarad, Moscow capture this and win the war with the soviet union
-Scorched Earth Policy- Stalin demanded this of the soviet troops as they retreated, burned everything so germans couldnt use it
-Battle for Moscow, The Soviet Winter counteroffensive December 6, 1941- April 30, 1942
- The Russian winter sets in and make is a huge turning point of the war
-Battle of Stalingrad August 1942- Febuary 1943