March 18th-March 22nd


Tuesday- Today we continued to go over the WW2 powerpoint.

We talked about why hitler wanted to take over Europe. 

Hiter makes a quote of eventually taking over Russia. 

Joseph Stalin signed deal with Hitler.

A few years down the road Hitler invaded Russia. 

Stalin and Hitler both agreed to stay netural to each other. \

Hitler had a non-agression pact

He then broke it.

Great Britian supported Poland. 

Germany went into a Blitzkreig

Lightning war

The goal was to get victory as fast as possiable. 

Wednesday- No class

Thursday- We continued to go over the WW2 powerpoint. 

France and Great Britian decided to not go into Germany while the Nazi's were taking over Poland.

Afte this Hiter takes over as much land as possiable. 

Germany wanted to attack france through Belgium's forest.

Belgium were allies with Germany.

Germans decided to invade Dunkirck

Many have seen the movie Dunkirck. 

Soilders waiting on shores for ships.

Many of these people were bombed. 

Hitler has only Britian to attack. 

Churchchill would never surrender. 

Friday- We continued to go over the powerpoint.

Operation Sea Lion

This was Germany plan to invade Great Britian

Great Britian would not give up and ended up beating Germany,

Hitler ended up not having enough power to attack Britian. 

Great Britian had a more powerful air force than Germany.

Germany had to shift gears multiple times. 

Britian won by the fact that Germany did not achieve their goals.

Germany lost 3,363 aircrew and 2,265 aircraft.

Hiter changed his attention to the USSR.

He wanted to take this over. 

This was named opperation Barbrossa.

This was the biggest land invasion. 

USSR won.




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