March 18-22

Monday: forum post stories, verbal summaries

Tuesday: plagiarism, summaries continued, powerpoint, review, western Europe, soviet union, non-aggression pact, Poland, trade, blitzkrieg-lighting war, rid of the poles, cleanse, video on blitzkrieg, some battles on sea, Sitzkrieg, phoney war, sitting war, nothing really happening, Poland surrenders, ends in 1940, Germany goes on the offensive, takes over Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, France, takes about 3 months, Maginot line

Wednesday: schedules for next year

Thursday: review, miracle of Dunkirk, Hitler waits and they are evacuated, Switzerland and Spain are neutral, Winston Churchhill video, France surrenders June 1940, Vichy France, Henri Petain, French Resistance General Charles DeGaulle, The Maquis-living in France, Tripartite Pact-Axis Powers 1940, Operation Sea Lion never happened, Germany bombed cities, at first during day time(air bases/bridges/transportation), Nazi goals, destroy royal air force/British airforce, Germany started bombing at night time, attack and destroy the British navy, attack British troops, then invasion of Great Britain, started bombing cities at night, British broke German code,- Ultra, Winston Churchill talking

Friday: forum post leaders, Monday starts group quizzes, Dunkirk, review, Luftwaffe, German terror bombing, couldn't get Britain to surrender, less than a year later, focused more on ships, Britain lost more people than 40,000 civilians dead, Germany invaded the Soviet Union, Operation Barbarossa, 6 million military casualties, soviets scorched earth policy, retreat caused long supply lines, Germany didn't get to Moscow, then winter sets in, really cold and lots of snow, day before pearl harbor soviet launched offense, 41/42 winter changed battle, it took soviets about 3 years to get all of Germany out, battle of Stalingrad video

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