Monday- Today we continued over the WW2 power point.
The Battle of Stalingrad.
Germany suffered many deaths.
Russia had more power over Germnay.
Germany was out powered and had no hope.
Germany had control over 90% of the city.
Russia took it over and ended up winning.
Siege of Leningrad.
Goal was to surround it and starve it.
Cut off all supply lines
Many people ate animals that were around.
Since Russia won Stalingrad they also took over Leningrad.
Russia lost a lot of people.
Tuesday- Went over WW2 powerpoint.
America, Great Britian, and Canada.
Hitler thought that the attack was coming in at clay.
June 6, 1944
This had to be canceld due to some weather,
Germans are realizing that they will not win it.
Hitler could have died to a bomb but didn't
August 25, 1944
This is when Paris is Lierated.
This was one of the best days.
This wasn't over yet.
Allied powers are taking over.
Germany is getting destroyed.
Hitler makes a massive offensive.
This only lasted over a month.
The weather was very cold.
V-E day May 8th, 1945
This was victory in Europe day.
Almost 17 million people killed during the Holocaust.
Genocide is mass murder.
The program where women were taken to homes in Germany.
Sent there to have kids with the "perfect" Germans.
Women were not forced to have relations with Aryan men.
Hitler's question
What are we going to do with the Jews?
His solution was to kill all of them off
He did not get all of them but most of them
The first concentration camps were set up in Dachau
Didn't want anymore Jews.
Many Jews had their rights taken away.
Germans took away Jews German citizenship.
Had to wear star of David bands around their arms.
Jews could only marry Jews.