- Focused on defensive strategies
- Sat behind line
- Launched one little offensive
- Didn't defend upper region well
- Germany pushed through Ardennes forest and walked right around the wall
- Britain and Germany wanted defense
- Germany had EXTREME offense (blitzkreig)
Miracle of Dunkirk
- 340,000 of troops evacuated from enemy encircling
- British/french/belgian
- Germans halted outside of the city to wait for tanks
- All the allied troops line up on the beaches of Dunkirk
- The people couldn't swim, so Churchill asked civilian ships to help ferry men to bigger ships to carry them home
- Germans didn't invade, but still bombarded from air
- Now Britain is alone in European defense
French Surrender
- Free French Underground/Vischy France || Non-Nazi/Nazi
- Charles DeGaulle led the FFU
- The Maquis were the saboteurs, assassins, and spies
Germany would get Europe; Italy, the mediteranean and Africa; Japan, part of Asia
Nazi Goals for Battle Britain
- Attack/dissaray Navy
- Once air control made invasion would begin
- Never began because they couldn't achieve one of these
- German bombers did so poorly they started bombing at night
- Britain was helped immensly by radar and ultra
- Luftwaffe would be the raf fighters
- RAF beat luftwaffe
- Germany aims to start destroying ports and ports to cut supplies
- 40,000 people died, 46,000-139,000 injured
- Germany never won because Britain never lost
German USSR invasion
- Barbarossa wa the operation
- 6 million casualties both sides
- Not including civs
- Giant city fighting
- Germans laid siege to Leningrad
- Led to two side war
- Overextended troops/supply lines
- Came as conquerors and not liberators
- Soviets retreated, and burned everything as they went
- Germany has to pack in more and more stuff and it becomes too difficult
- Winter set in
- BIG for USSR
- Germany wasn't ready, sub zero temps
- Took almost 4 years to push Germany out of the USSR
- Germans treated the Russians very poorly
- Germany took 90% of the city
- Enemy at the gates