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France was split during WWII between people that were pro nazi/german french and allied french. The Maquis- Normal French people that fought back against Nazi Germany and Nazi France. Tripartite Pact- Germany, Italy and Japan ally officially.

During the battle of Britain, Hitler hoped to destroy the Royal Airforce, Attack and Destroy the British Navy, Attack as many British troops as possible, and once the air control was conquered, the invasion would begin. Great Britain was shooting down more German planes than Germany could build, so Germany switched to night time bombing


Germany eventually gave up on air attack and focused on sinking supply ships to prevent weapons and food from getting into Great Britain. Britain won in the end due to the fact that Germany did not achieve its goals and did not invade. Germany turned on the Soviet Union, believing Great Britain was practically defeated, but the Soviet Union beat Germany and now they were enemies. This put Germany on a two-sided war. Scorched Earth Policy- Soviet Union retreated when Hitler invaded, but they burned and destroyed everything they left behind so that the Nazi's couldn't use them. Had Germany came as liberators instead of conquerors things could have turned out differently because many Russians did not like communism, so if Hitler had made it look like he was liberating them, maybe they would have helped him. Hitler also was making poor calls against the wishes of his best generals. Eventually, he got rid of all his best generals and replaced them with inexperienced yes men, which hit him hard in the long run. As Germany continued to invade the Soviet Union, winter set in and the soldiers began to freeze to death. The Soviet Union pushed back the Germans out of the Soviet Union because they were too cold to fight efficiently.  

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