Women might get pregnant then they wont be able to be deployed. Women choose when they get pregnant though. Men may be stronger than women but they are more calm and mature in stressful situations. Women might be added to the draft which means they an handle combat. If they are added to the draft that also means that more than roughly 50% of the population could serve. Men have to shave their head while women have to have it pulled back into a tight bun which is unfair. Women are more caring so they might hesitate when pulling the trigger. Men might hestitate as well it all depends on personality.
It would be unfair for transgenders to play in their prefered gendered sport because it either makes them stronger than everyone else or weaker. But if they want to be that gender people shouldn't be able to say what gender they should be. They should have every right to preform. It's defended by the 14th amendment. It's cruel to discriminate these people.
A new democrate is running for the election named Pete Buttigieg. He is gay and if the only gay man running for the democrtates. He thinks that he'd be good for the government because he's a mayor and the government could use more state or town feel. People were kneeling to spread awareness to police brutality and racism. The NFL doesn't want to upset their audience so they have the right to fire and fine those who kneel. It's a free speech righ tbut not if you're working with a company. Black people make up 13% of the US population making the death rates actually closer than you'd think. Some African American's believe that police against black people and aer targeting them. 1980's to 90's is when African American's started being treated equally. There is a law that says that companies and colleges need to have a certain amount of minorities so that they will actually be chosen. Colin was first found sitting because someone accidently took a photo of him sitting. This slowly turned into him kneeling. Soon a lot of players and teams started to kneel causing the NFL to ban this from happening. Some started to raise their fist to represent black power. The Cowboys kneeled before the anthem then stood when it started playing. Them and the Yankees are the most known and expensive teams out there. They are American's teams.