Mar 25th - 29th

The Muller report has came out. Muller report found that there was no colusion with the election. Apparently Russia wanted there to be colusion. There might be the crime of instruncting justice, where you try to hide evidence or cover up your tracts. There wasn't enough evidence if Trump did this or not. There were two main Russian sources that effected the election by hacking adds in Trumps favor. Some want to see the full report because we only have certain parts of it. Some think people are hiding things in what we haven't seen of the report. 

People are still trying to find a way to impeach Trump. They are waiting for more evidence first. Jussie Smollett's charges has been dropped. He was the man who faked an attack on himself along with two other men. He's an actor. We don't know why they were dropped yet. We are unsure if he was faulsly acussed. 3 suicides have taken place because of school shootings. Two were students that went through a school shooting and the other was a father of a six year old that was killed at a different school shooting. Justin Bieber has been having some mental issues. He is also going to couple counciling with his wife. He says he feels disconected and weird. Some are thinking that is wife is pregnant because he mentioned that he wanted to be a good father. He's stepping away from singing for awhile. 

The powerball was won in Wisconsin. It was 783 million dollars. You are more likely to be struck by lightening  and give birth to conjoined twins then you are to win the lottery. Brunei has said they they will punish cheaters and gay people by stoning them. Amputation will happen if you steal. This is a new law that has been put into place. Twitter is now starting to label tweets that break their rules, even the presidents. The government proposed $18 million in cuts to special olympics. Some think this is cruel and other say why should tax payers pay from this. This might not actually happen. Another democrat is runnning for president. He's a mayor from Florida and his father was an imegrant.  

Trump has stated that they will not do any cuts on special olympics. 

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