Soviet-German Non-Agression Pact
- Both agreed to stay neutral if the other entered the war
- Secretly agreed to invade and split poland and other areas that were lost after WWI
- Germany would get the western and Russia would get the eastern part of Poland
- Russia would get finlandm Estonia, Latvia and Germany would get Lithuania
- Russia gave raw materials to Germany in exchange for Finiished goods haha
How did the world react?
- Shock and Concern
- Hitler had a non-agression pact with Poland at the Time
- Poland was now stuck "between a rock and a hard place"
"Lightning War"
Germans used a type of warfame that they called "Blitzkreig", where it would be rapid offensive tactics to overwhelm the opposition.
Germans would use Ju-87 "Stuka" and they would have sirens attached to them which would scare the enemies, such as the poles, because they had never seem them before.
Miracle of Dunkirk
The sucessful evacuation of over 300,000 Allied troops
German Troops were wating up for their Panzers, so they held outside the City of Dunkirk.
Churchill made multiple statements how this would be a major tragedy.
This would lead to Germany taking control of Europe besides GB.
Breat Britain would be the next target for Germany, which would lead to the battle of Britain.
Battle of Britain
Considered the first large loss for Germany
The Royal British Air Force was able to hold back Germany
Germany was losing more planes that it could build
Germany started bombing at night
The was where Churchill's "We Shall Never Surrender" came into play
The Brits were even further helped by Radar and Ultra.
Ultra-was a way in which Britian would be able to decipher Germany's code in order to know when they would attack
Scorched Earth Policy
Stalin Demanded this of his troops as they retreated from the German invasion
Russians would burn anything that could be of use, making it hard to Germans.
It would be buildings, supplies, crops, and much more.
Operation Barbarossa
The Final German plan to lake over Russia
Over Six Million Casualties for Both Sides
Result was a Decisive Russian Victory
Battle for Moscow is where the Russian Winter sets in an is a huge turning point.