Monday-Start Quizzing over slide notes. One Group Per day.
Battle of Stalingrad
Soviet Victory
Over 1.8 Million casualties
More than 11,400 Casualties each day
The biggest defeat in the history of the Germany Army
It was the turning point in not only the eastern front, but also the war.
Seige of Leningrad
Germans took over Leningrad's railroads, cutting them off from the rest of russia
Germans surrounded the City
600,000+ people died from starvation
Leningrad ended up being saved by the victory of Stalingrad, because the germans would redirect troops
The North Africa Campaign
June 1940-May 1943
Three Major Generals-Erwin Rommel, Bernard Montgomery, George S. Patton
Operation Torch(1942)-US and British Forces would invade North Africa
By May 1943, Axis Foces surrendered.
Battle for Sicily(June 1943)
Lasted about a month
Cleared the way for the invasion of italy
Operation Avalanche
Churchill considered Italy the weakest part of the Axis powers
By June 1944 we had conquered Rome.
Germany then invaded Northern Italy, which we would fight to liberate until the end of the war.
The Atlantic Wall
A series of defense lines from Norway to France
Had concrete barries and hedgehogs to provide defense
Used Teller Mines,Belgian gates and Ramps to dissuade landing crafts and tanks
Also used walls of barbed wire, Pillboxes, and Concrete bunkers.
Also called Operation Overlord
Huge Aquatic Invasion of France
June 9th,1944
Involved Great Britain, United States and Canada
Involved A fake army to draw away from the invasion.
George Patton would be the leader of the fake army, due to his discharge for controversial actions
Assassination at the Wolf's Den
Major Claus von Stauffenberg-a huge conspirator in the attempted assassination of hitler.
The Liberation of Paris
August 25th, 1944
The Battle of the Bulge
Dec. 16th 1944-Jan. 28th, 1945
It was the last huge offensive by Germany, which would end in Germany's defeat.
End of the Europe Front
Hitler commits suicide on April 30th, 1945
V-E Day(Victory in Europe Day) May 8th 1945
The Holocaust
The genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II
A program of systematic state sponsored extermination by Nazi Germany throughout Nazi-Occupied territory
Approximately two-thirds of nine million jews who had lived in Europe before the Holocaust died
Should also include the killing of millions of other people in other groups from Germany and other occupied territory
By this definition, the total number of Holocaust victims would be between 11 and 17 million
Genocide-acts with intent to destroy a national, ethnical, racial, or relgious group.
Such as:
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about is physical destruction in whole or in part.
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
The Perfect Race
It would be considered the Aryan, and it would be people with blond hair, blue eyes, tall, and muscular.
The original term was for people speaking and Indo-European dialect.
Jews, Gypsies, Poles, People with Handicaps, Slav, POWs, Homosexuals, Communists, Dark Skinned People, and Other Mixed Races were considered inferior by Hitler
A program aimed to promote the growth of "superior" Aryan populations by providing excellent health care and living conditions to women who were of the Aryan race
Houses were set up throughout Germany and many occupied territories
Many Lebensbron children were born to unwed mothers led to many rumors of rape
Hitler's Jewish Question-What are we going to do with the Jews?
Hitlers answer to the question was genocide, as it would've cost too much to relocate them.
Nazis "temporarily" suspend civil liberties for all citizens in 1933-Never restored
The Nazis set up the first concentration camp at Dachai in 1933. The first inmates are 200 communists
Jews are prohibited from working as civil servants, doctors in the National Health Service, and teachers in public high schools.
Nuremburg Laws
Took away German citizenship from Jews thus making Jews second class citizens by removing their basic civil rights
Defined the Jewish race as being anyone who either considered themselves Jewish or had three or four Jewish grandparents
-People with one or two Jewish Grandparents were considered mixed race
-Eventually anyone with at least one Jewish Grandparent would be considered jewish
Jews could only marry Jews
No sexual relations between non-Jewish Germans and Jewish People
Nazis boycott Jewish owned businesses
1938-Night of the Broken Glass
Nazis broke into houses in Jewish towns where they stole, and burned down buildings.
101 synagogues and 7500 businesses were destroyed
Jews were physically beaten and 91 died in the attack.
All jewish children were kicked out of public schools in Germany and Austria
Nazis take control of all Jewish businesses
Hitler sytematically starts the killing of all mentally and physically disabled in Germany and Austria
Jews are required to wear armbands or yellow deaths
Nazis begin deporting German Jews to Poland
Jews are forced into ghettos
Nazis begin the first mass murder of Jews in Poland
Jews throughout Eastern Europe are forced into ghettos
In two days, German units shoot 33,771 Ukranian Jews at BabiYar-the largest single massacre of the holocaust
The death camp at Chelmo in Poland begins murdering Jews.
Nazis announce the "Final Solution"-their plan to kill all European Jews
Five Death Camps begin operation in Poland: Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, Belzec, and Auschwitz-Birkenau
Ghettos fo Eastern Europe are being emptied as thousands of Jews are shipped to death camps
The United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union acknowledge that Germans are exterminating the Jews of Europe.