March 25-29 US History Notes


- No collusion with Russia and Trump says all is fake and he was always right

-The Battle of Stalingrad, the soviet victory, more than 1,830,000 killed or wounded, more than 11,400 causualties each day, the biggest defeat in the history of the German Army

- The turning point not only on the Eastern Front, but also the turning point of the whole WWII

- Siege of LeninGrad

- On August 30th 1941, the Germans took over Leningrads railroads, cutting them off from the rest of Russia and the World

- Unlike the battle of Stalingrad, the germans surronded the city to starve the city into submission

- Between November 1941 and October 1942, 641,000 people died of starvation

- People resorted to eating rats, wallpaper paste and some resorted to cannibalism

- A successful russian counter-offesnsive at Stalingrad forced the Germans to move troops there and eventually the siege failed

- The germans never took over leningrad but it was one of the most costly conflicts Russia ever faced over one million died

-The North Africa Campaign lasted about three years, General Bernard Montgomery and Erwin Rommel

- Operation Torch- November 1942, US and British forces invade North Africa, by May 1943 Axis forces surrender in North Africa

- The Campign would now shift to the islands in the Mediterranean Sea and Italy

- The Battle for Sicily June, 1943, The Italain Campaign "Operation Avalanche" Europes soft underbelly

- The allies liberate Rome: June 5, 1944

- The Atlantic Wall

- Tuesday

- General Eisenhower Gives the Orders for D-Day "Operation Overload

- June 6th, 1944 D-Day

-Normandy Landing June 6th 1944, German Prisoners, and Higgins Landing Crafts

-July 20th, 1944 Assassination Plot, Major Claus von Stauffenberg

- The Liberation of Paris- August 25th 1944, De Gaulle in Triumph

- The Battle of Bulge Hitlers last Offensive Dec 16 1944, January 28th 1945

- US and Russian Soldiers Meet at the Elbe River (IN GERMANY) April 25th, 1945

- Hitler commits Suicide- April 30th, 1945

- He took pills and shot himself

-Mr and Mrs Hitler both commited suicide and declared to be burned

-V-E Day May 8th 1945 Germany Surrenders (Victory in Europe Day)

- The Holocaust, The Genocide approxamitley killed six million Jews during WWI

- A program of systematic state sponsored extermanation by Nazi Germany througout Nazi Occupied Territory

-Two thirds of nine million Jeys who had lived in Europe before the holocaust died

- The definiton of the holocaust should include the Nazis killing millions of people in other groups from germany and other occupied territory

- Between 11 million and 17 million died during the holocaust

-Genocide means any of the following acts commited with intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethinical, racial, or religous group as such killing members of the group

Wednesday- NO SCHOOL


- Who was the Inferior According to Hitler?

- Jews 6 Million dead

- Gypsies 500,000 to 1.5 million 

-Mentally/Physically handicapped people (75,000, 250,000)

- Soviet Slavs POW'S/ Troops - 16.5 million Poles (2.5 million dead)

-Homosexuals (5-15 thousand dead)

- Communists and Socialsts man but number not comfirmed

- Dark skinned people, death and forced sterilization

- Mixed races- The mulatto children came about through rape or the white mother was a whore- Hitler

- Jehovah's Witnesses (2,500-5,000)

- Lebensborn- Fount of Life

- The Program aimed to promote the growth of superior Aryan populations by providing excellent health care and living conditions to women who were the Aaryan race 

- Houses were set up througout Germany and many occupied terrtories

- Many lebensborn children were born to unwed mothers led to many rumors of rape

- Contrary to rumors, women were not forced to have relations with Aaryan Germans

- Hitlers Jewish Question- What are we going to do with the Jews?

- Hitlers Final Soultion- Genocide

- Hitler Jewish Question- Nazis temporarily suspend civil liberties for all citzens in 1933- Never restored


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