gender equality

Gender equality is a common human right that we need for a sustainable life on earth. significant progress has been made to make gender equality what it is over the past few decades, but the world is not fully on track to achive full world gender equality by 2030. The female body represents half of the worlds population, witch also means, there is half of the worlds potental for gender equality. Unfortanalty, gender inequality still presists all around the world to this day, witch holds back on progress. Did you know that women earn 23 percent less of what the avradge working man makes to the dollar, and women work longer hours then most men, and are still getting paid less. Statitics state that it will take up to 300 years to end child marrage and 286 year to close legal gaps and to remove discrematory laws.  other problems, such as married women loosing their sexual and reproductive rights, sexual harassment and violance, and female meaultation have been problems that impacted progress of the uprise on gender equality. on the upside child marage and female genatal meuatalation (FGM) has gone down in a few recent years. women have also gotten higher on the political table as well. Gender equality needs to be a fundamental right, reguardless where you live, or what rilidgion you practice. with gender equality, comes a better and healtheyer socitey.





1, what is your opinion on gender equality

2, what would you do to combat gender inequality

3, how quick do you think this problem can be fixed

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  • What is my opinion on gender equality? I think gender equality is a joke. Men and women are very different from each other. Both men and women have their things that they can do. There is clear evidence that men work harder than men, so they get paid more most of the time. But if a man were to do a woman's job they would not get paid as much as the woman. So both men and women have the things they can do better than the other gender.

    • I disagree with you because there are jobs that women do where they work harder than men and they still get paid less. Or in some cases they have the same position and they both work very hard but the woman would still get paid less than the man.

  • I think that gender equality will always be around and that there will always be unequal situations between the two. Both genders are different and have different mental and physical traits. Some scenarios gender equality is important.

  • I think that gender equalioty is a joke because both genders are very different and deffinately not equal. I think that there are some places that gender equality is important but mostly it is not real. I think people would just be a boy or a girl and stay the same.

  • I think gender inequality is a very important problem because as you said it is still existing and you can see it in the fact that women get paid less than men. It is a strong problem to combat but I think in the last decades it has gotten better than it was before but we still have to combat.

  • I think that gender equalioty is a joke because both genders are very different and deffinately not equal. I think that there are some places that gender equality is important but mostly it is not real.

    • I agrre with you because I think gender inequality is a joke too, and that there is only 2 genders. I think that it is not real aswell. I even think that there are no places that should think that there is gender equality. 

  • My opinion is that gender should not be discriminated against in the roles and jobs in society I think that everyone should get a chance at A role in society and if they mess up then they should be able to be fired with no questions asked and can't get sued.

  • I don't think we will ever truly be able to eliminate gender inequallity as their are many things that can't be equal for them. There are some things that I think could improve that could help gender inequality, such as female discremination in the work space. 

    • I agree with this statement. I do think that the gender issuse should be fixed but I don't think it will ever fully resolved. I also believe that if men and women are in the same field, say nursing, they should be paid the same becuase they are doing the same job. However, if they are doing different things, like a women nurse and a male doctor, they won't ever get paid the same. 

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