Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is also called genetic modification. It is a process that uses laboratory-based technologies to alter the DNA makeup of an organism. This could be changing a single line of DNA taking out a whole system of DNA to get rid of a certain thing Or adding a new line of DNA to alter what you had to make you better.  Genetic engineering may involve adding a gene from one species to an organism from a different species to produce a desired trait. They are used in research to change the outcome of cancer or even cure it which would be great for the world. It also can be used for brewing yeasts, genetically modified plants and livestock, and more. Genetic engineering has changed over the years, from cloning for analysis and laboratory use to truly synthetic biology for understanding and new biomedical capabilities. Genetic Engineering was initially thought to be various techniques used for the modification of living things to give them a better chance of survival. Also it could be seen as changing the human race in a bad way. And making us different then we were made.

My opinion I think that we should use more genetic engineering so that we can find out more ways to cure diseases and make the human race better in every way. I think that we could make better people. I think that we could make the world a better place while using genetic engineering.

What is your Opinion?

Do you think that it is changing the human race in a bad way or good way?


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  • I feel like it is more of a personal choice and if you feel its right you can go and get whatever you want done it would cost you money you worked for so it should be left to you to decide if you would trust the process.

  • I think it could be good or bad if it helps society it would be good but I still think that it some people would try to test the limits and end up killing people. It should be banned if it involves killing people. People wouldn't be even able to afford a genetic modifiyer.

    • I don't agree with this statement because i think that we could get a lot farther ahead in life if we would use this. Also I can see wre you are coming from with this because thuis is the way that we are made but we could get rid of many diseases and other things.

  • I think that genetic engineering can be good and bad. It can help because we could prevent deadly diseases and save people, but people could also start using it for wrong things like cloning, and then it would be bad.

  • Do you think that it is changing the human race in a bad way or good way? I think it is a bad thing and that they should stay the same as God created them. Also, I think people were made for a reason and they should stay the same.

    • I don't agree with this statement because i think that we could get a lot farther ahead in life if we would use this. Also I can see wre you are coming from with this because thuis is the way that we are made but we could get rid of many diseases and other things.

  • What is your Opinion? I think that we shouldn't do it and we should let the human race natrualy evaul Do you think that it is changing the human race in a bad way or good way? I think it bad and may lead to a lot more problems then it would fix

    • I don't agree with this statement because i think that we could get a lot farther ahead in life if we would use this. Also I can see wre you are coming from with this because thuis is the way that we are made but we could get rid of many diseases and other things.

  • I think it could help us in a good way but it would most likely cause problems because then the modified traits get passed down onto kids and as you know kids get half of their mother's dna and their fathers dna and if the traits are modified it can likely cause mutations somewhere down the line. which will be really bad because it will just keep getting mutated. So I definitely think that it can be pretty bad for us but it can fix a ton of future problems like diseases from birth or help fix cancer, etc. but should most likely only be used for that.

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