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Jan 21- Jan 25

Monday- No School

Tuesday-No School


The Harlem Renaissance was a movement that took place in Harlem, New York, spanning through the 1920's

Blacks moved North toward Harlem New York and they started a black culture, that was considered a

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Jan. 28 - Feb. 1

Anarchy = When a country doesn't have anyone in power and it's like a free for all. Oligrachy = When a small group of people run a country. Capitalism = Where people own and control busnises harder you work means more money but theres more poor peopl

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January 28 - February 1

Monday- I presented 

- Stock MArket Crash 

- Large Bank LOans 

- Low wages 

- Lack of government involvment - pooling + buying on margin 

- Credit usage 

- Over Valued Stock Prices 

"Black Thursday" - 12,894,650 stocks traded 

- Investment companies bough st

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US History 1-28-2-1


Political Career started in 1898, influenced Republican Party Leaders

- 1918 elected Govenor

- National Spotlight boston police force strike

in 1920 he was chosen as vice president

- Reduce income tax

- Immigration act of 1924 

- The National Origin

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January 28- Feb 1

Monday: Hoover Background, accomplishments, "Good Neighbor" policy- improved relations with Latin American Nations, Central America (Mexico), South America, Caribbeans (Latin America), Republican Philosophy-normalcy: let businesses succeed without in

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Jan 21st-25th (CWI)

Monday-No School

Tuesday-No School

Wednesday- We go over the map in preparation for the class quiz

Thursday- We take the class quiz, which goes well. 

Trump say that he will not give a state of the union address during the gov't shutdiown because he was

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January 21st-25th

Monday-No School

Tuesday-No School


Normalcy-We wanted to go back to the way things were before WWI

Isolationism- we wanted to stay out of european warfare 

Rugged Individualism- You should depend on yourself for success 

Lassiez Faire-Gov't shoul

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Jan 21-25

Teapot/dome scandal - navy's potential oil reserve taken by private sector, HAring allowed it

Veteran's Bureau

  • Freboes head
  • Dealt with medical care of veterans
  • Forbes gave contractors extremely land

1920 Election:

  • Dominated by WWI aftermath
  • Wilson hoped the
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1/21 - 1/25








Before the 1920s more women would get married by 20 and start having kids but by the 1920s, more women went to college and acted like the flapper girls. Veterans' Bureau Scandal- Forbes made a secret deal in an organiz

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January 21st - January 25th


Tuesday- NO SCHOOL

Wednesday- We reviewed what happened in the 1920's

Harlem Renaissance-

How did it impact African Americans?

Overall, many people moved from the south to the North


Harlem was one of the most moved to cities,


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Jan 21-25

21-22 no school

Blackface = when you paint yourself to look like a black person. Kids at a university decided to make a video where they in blackface. They will not be returning to their campus. Last year a teacher dressed in blackface not knowing tha

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January 21 - January 25

Monday - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday - NO SCHOOL


- Reveiwed the 1920s to refresh memory 

- Womens Rights and Freedoms 

- Women picked up mens jobs when they left for WW1 

- When men came back women were upset because they had to go back to homestyle worki

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January 21-25 US History Notes

Monday- No school

Tuesday- No School


Birth Control was more available- Margaret Sanger

Women picked up jobs when men left fot the war earning good income

Women have to give up jobs as men returned

Flapper Girls

- Known for energetic freedom, youn

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January 21-25

Monday: no school, PD day

Tuesday: no school, snow day

Wednesday: a recap of presentation, the plane- Charles Lindbergh: first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, flew from new york to Paris, flew in his monoplane-the spirit of st. Louis, the flig

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Lightbulbs used in 1880 but more common later

Thomas Edison advertised DC

Tesla advertised AC

More inventions

Chores became much easier

Entertainment was provided easier through electrical appliances and

Better for business (fridges, assembly line)



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Jan 14-18

Monday- Today the 1920's did the presenting. 

Electricity and Applinces-

Be able to describe major inventions in the 1920's.

Be able explain what changed in the 1920's

-Fanklin, Volta, Faraday, Telsla and Edison.

-These were the eariler people that worked

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January 14 - January 18


  • We started presentations today
  • Brennon
    • Stock Market
      • Market the tracks down trade
      • Explains value of Company
    • Booming Economy
      • Lifestyle items
    • Credit
      • Installment Plans
    • Calvin Coolidge Won
    • Credited for Booming Economy
    • The 1920’s Economy Boom
    • 1924 Election
  • Griffi
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