January 21 - January 25

Monday - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday - NO SCHOOL


- Reveiwed the 1920s to refresh memory 

- Womens Rights and Freedoms 

- Women picked up mens jobs when they left for WW1 

- When men came back women were upset because they had to go back to homestyle working 

- Flapper Girls (Energetic Freedom) (Young, carefree women) (Bars=famous place for them) 



- 1920 Election 

- 11/6/28 

- Hoover beat Smith 

- Hover won 444 electoral votes (58.2% popular vote) 

- Smith 87  electoral votes 

-Trickle Down Theory (Specific Targeted Tax Cuts) 

- Give taxt cuts to the Rich (Trickles down) (Gives better job opportunities) 

- Isolation (The combination of the Great Depression and the losses of WW1) (Isolated from European Issues) 

- Return to Normalcy (Going back to focusing on America) (America Boomed) 



- Red Scare 

- Fear of Communism 

- 150,000 Anarchists or Communists

- Strikes in 1919 

- Government ownership of the production of goods and services and taking money from the wealthy and giving it to the poor

- 1919 to 1920 

- Spread of communism in other countries 

- Soviet Union was a world Superpower 

- Afraid that US citizens were sharing information 

- House Committee on Un-American Activities 

- Emergency Immigration Act 1921

- First raid at headquaters of the Union of Russian Workers 

- Second Raid 

- Third Palmer Raids 

Socco VanZetti Case

- Fred Parmenter and Allessandro Berardelli 

- Mike Boda

Boda's Colleagues 

- Further forensics 

- Michael Dukakis

Scopes - Monkey Trail 

- What was the long lasting Impact?

- What was the ruling?

- John Thomas Scopes 

- Teaching Evolution in Violation 

- Lawyers (William Jennings Bryan & Clarence Derow)

- First day setback 

- Carnival outside the courthouse 

- Closing Speech 

- Guilty  

- After the trail, he was offered the same position, but chose to leave

- Effects on relegion 

- Effects on society 

- Effects on education 

Harlem Renaissance 

-What Impact?



- Harlem (Neighborhood in New York City) 

- Black families started taking over the Harlem neighborhood in the City of New York

- Landlords needed building full, but nobdy was able to take them

- Artistic Explosion of African American Culture 

- Black were getting recognixed for something good for the firt time

- Aaron Douglas 

- Most prominent artist illustrator 

-Iconic for is mural paition around New York City 

- Do Bois 

- American Sociologist, Historian, Civil Rights Activist, Author, Writer


- White only group that terroized blacks and other who followed them 

- Wanted to rid the country of others who weren't apart of the KKK (Mainly Blacks)

- KKK were at their highest point in the 1920s

- They weren't happy about the Harlem Renaissance

- Lynching (Kill someone by hanging for an alleged offense with or without legal trial)

Friday - Gone (Copied Chloe's Notes) 

  • Strikes

    • Steel Mill Strike

      • September 22, 1919- January 8,1920

      • Took Place within the US Steel Corp

      • Wants of Workers

        • Higher Wages

        • Less Work Hours

        • Union Recognition

      • Outcome

        • 300,000 people quit their jobs

        • Workers were beaten

        • Reduced to 8 hour work days

        • Union was still not full recognized

    • Boston Police Strike

      • September 9, 1919

      • Took Place on streets of Boston

      • 1,100 workers  (3/4 of Police)

      • Wants of Workers

        • High Wages

        • Raises in Salaries

      • Outcome

        • People is Boston used this as a reason to riot

        • Policeman that strikes could to return to jobs

        • New officers were granted high pay and holidays

        • Given free uniforms

    • United Mine Workers Strike

      • April 1919- Potter Coal and Coke Company would not recognize the mine workers

      • Strikes ended in Mid December

      • Wants of Workers

        • Higher Wages

        • Shorter work days

      • Outcome

        • Some strikers were docked on payday for participating

        • Schools were closed due to lack of heat

        • Strikes were declared unlawful

        • Wilson proposed an immediate wage increase

          • 14%

          • Miners returned to work

  • Electricity

    • Began in 20’s

    • Positively affected homes

    • 1920- 35% of houses had electricity

    • 1929- 68% of houses had electricity

    • Boosted many industries

    • Urban Electricity

      • Most urban homes had electricity by the end of 20’s

      • People could get more things done

      • Movies became very popular

      • People sent their laundry to laundromats

    • Farm Electricity

      • Only 3% had electricity

      • To Expensive

      • 1930’s Government held with the REA

    • House Appliances

      • Washing Machines

      • Refrigerators

      • Vacuums

      • Iorns

      • Dishwashers

      • Eased workload

      • Efficiency

    • Entertainment

      • TVs

      • Radios

        • Broadcasted various programs

      • Telephones used more often

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