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Before the 1920s more women would get married by 20 and start having kids but by the 1920s, more women went to college and acted like the flapper girls. Veterans' Bureau Scandal- Forbes made a secret deal in an organization that dealt with the medical care of war veterans by giving contractors land for less than it was actually worth. Herbert Hoover was a humanitarian and sent food to Europe after the war but was criticized when he was a president because he didn't help the thousands of starving Americans in the world. Hearting wanted to return to normalcy and focus on America. Republicans were winning in the presidency because Republicans were leading America into a good economy and people wanted it to stay that way.



Economy in the 1920's- 

Why did the Economy "boom" in the 1920's? - Europe was destroyed which caused the world to rely heavily on the US for stuff. The unemployment rate was low. People kept buying on credit and waiting until later to pay it back. 90% of purchases were from buying on credit. There were higher tariffs on things coming into our country so Americans were buying more American products.

Why did more strikes occur in the 1920's? - Workers had bad working conditions. Local Militia would take their place if they quit. Workers got poor wages. Eventually, workers got a 14% pay increase.

Stocks are a share or part in a company. The Stock market is a place where all stocks are presented and shows when they go up or down. 

The Harlem Renessaince- 

What was the Harlem Renaissance? - It was the establishment of New York City's Harlem Neighborhood as a place of African American Culture. Many Harlem residents were artists, authors, activists, and creators.

Why did the Harlem Renaissance Begin? - It was meant to be a neighborhood for upper-class white citizens but when factory wages in the North were way higher than in the south for African Americans. 

What ideas about race developed during the Harlem Renaissance? - The KKK emerged with millions of followers and helped other Klan members win in elections. The Klan hated not just blacks, but Jews, Catholics, immigrants; basically anyone that was not white and "pure".

What was the Great Migration? - African Americans and ex-slaves moved north to take advantage of the North's industrial work.



What was the red scare?- A period in which the US feared being overthrown by a communist government. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia sparked fear in US citizens and government that immigrants from southern and eastern Europe intended to overthrow the US. Labor strikes caused fear of a revolution and people though communists to take over.

What impact did communism have on the US in the 1920's?-

Communism- A system of government where goods are owned equally and private property is eliminated. Industrial workers would be attracted to this government because they lived off poor wages and were jealous of the business leaders. Sacco and Vanzetti case- two Italian immigrants were charged with murder but the real murderer confessed. Even though he confessed, the two immigrants were sentenced to death because they thought they might be communists.



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