- We started presentations today
- Brennon
- Stock Market
- Market the tracks down trade
- Explains value of Company
- Booming Economy
- Lifestyle items
- Credit
- Installment Plans
- Calvin Coolidge Won
- Credited for Booming Economy
- The 1920’s Economy Boom
- 1924 Election
- Griffin
- Born November 2nd, 1865
- 29th President
- Reduced unemployment rate
- Accomplishments
- Civil Rights
- Signed Peace Treaty
- Fought for Anti- Violence for African Americans
- Foreign Treaties
- Died of Heart Attack
- Harding’s Accomplishments
- Chloe Presented on Prohibition and Gangsters
- Entertainment
- Fashion Trends
- Beads and Feathers
- Bobbed hairstyles
- Mary Jane and T-Strap
- Comfy
- Cotton Dress
- Aprons were handmade
- Thick back cotton stockings
- Low oxford Heels
- Women’s Workwear
- Formal
- No jewelry, hats, or large purses
- Simple
- Teachers, Secretary, Journalist
- Men’s Workwear
- Mornings put on robe or smoking jacket
- Upperclass- 3 piece suit
- Middle Class- Cheaper 3 piece
- Lower class- Slacks and shirt
- Streetwear
- Paired with low heel
- More useful than fashionable
- Silk blend crepe or wool
- Same as Church clothing
- Walking Suit-
- Tailored dress
- Natural waist early 20’s
- Gangsters and Bootleggers
- 3 piece suit
- Wealth not occupation
- White spats over boots
- Walking cane or rolled umbrellas
- Young gangsters bought what they could afford
- Cities vs Country
- City- black, navy, grey,tan and olive green
- Country-white in summer; yellow, red, blue, and light grey
- Party Clothing-
- Semi Formal or formal
- Lighter in color
- Host- could not wear hat
- Below knees
- Men had to wear shirts
- Modesty
- Women had full body swimsuits
- Tea Parties
- Swimwear
- Clothes
- Foods
- Meet and Greet Spots
- No alcohol
- Fast and convenient food all day
- Champagne
- Claret- Dark rose wine
- Sauterne- sweet dessert wine
- Tea and Lemon Cakes
- Gin Rickeys
- Combo of Gin, lime, and mineral water
- Party Foods
- Salads and Molded Salads
- Pastry Pigs (Pigs in a blanket)
- Turkey
- Pig Sausages
- Mashed Potatoes
- Lemon Cakes- served with tea
- Cheap, causal fast food alternatives
- Ice cream salons and Soda shops
- “The Diner”
- Party Drinks
- Games
- Glass marbles- school yards
- Stones and seeds
- Kids could experience different careers
- Height Requirement
- Marbles
- Jacks
- House
- Horse Shoes
- Hokum and Tiddlywinks (board games)
- Candies
- Milky Way
- Reeces
- Babe Ruth (1921)
- Charleston Chews (1922)
- Butterfinger (1923)
- Bit-O-Honey (1924)
- Others
- Movies
- Warner Brothers
- Paramount
- Horror
- Secret Spy
- Romance
- Companies
- Dancing
- Tango
- Waltz
- Lindy Hop (Jitterbug)
- Charleston
- Major Sports
- Baseball
- Boxing
- Horse Racing
- Babe Ruth
- Entertainment
- 1922- spread through US
- 600 stations
- Jazz Era
- Lots of Clubs
- We watched some videos
- Radio
- Music
- Women’s Rights and Freedoms
- Mainly Walking
- Nearly 100 years
- Marched in Parades
- Gave speeches
- August 26, 1920- 19th Amendment
- Leaders
- Susan B. Anthony
- Cady Shanton
- Jobs
- Could not be Taxi Drivers orPool Hall Workers
- Prohibited from night shifts
- Could not work pregnant
- Past Life style
- Bobbed Haircuts
- Knee-length hemlines
- Men paid more