January 21st - January 25th


Tuesday- NO SCHOOL

Wednesday- We reviewed what happened in the 1920's

Harlem Renaissance-

How did it impact African Americans?

Overall, many people moved from the south to the North


Harlem was one of the most moved to cities,

Most African Americans moved to Harlem/

It was a step up for the blacks.

Many whites somewhat moved out right when the African AMericans moved in.

Contained African American culture

Louis Armstrong was the most popular jazz artist.

 Thursday- Today the 1920's continued to present.

African Americans recreated music and Art

The Cotton CLub

Was a night club in New York

White only establishment

Only featured popular black musicans 

Also held celebrity meetings. 

Ku Klux Klan

Founded by ex-Confedrate soilders in 1866

Made money by selling memberships

Set a cross on fire to let the people know of the rebirth of the Klan.

Model T and other Automobile 

Be able to explain why the model T is unique 

Be able to explain the orgins of nascar

Model T

Started in 1907

Ended in 1927

It was low cost and it was durable.

Known as the Tin Lizzie 

Only 350 dollars 

Had to be started by a crank

It could only go 40-45 miles an hour.

Other popular cars

Ford model A

Nash Advanced six

The Chrsler B-70


Started when are the gresers raced eachother

Mainly raced thier fords.

Used them to outrun police 


Allowed everyone to acess to something that once was a luscery]

Lead to bigger and better machines. 


Explain why Amelia Earhart was important

What aiplanes were used for in the 1920's

Charles Lindbergh

Born Febuary 4th 1902

First solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

Invented an artifical heart

His son was kidnapped

His body was found 10 weeks later.

Awared the German medal of honor

Created crusie control.



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