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What are the cause of the great Depression?
Stock market- Investing with money they didn't have
40 billion dollars lost
Factories and farms were overproducing. Prices started to fall.
Dust Bowl
Bad farming methods
Light topsoil
Bank f
We discussed extra credit opportunities, forum posts, etc.
Hoovervilles- Many families lost their jobs saving. Hoovervilles were cities made up of cheap materials like cardboard, tar paper, glass, lumber, tin, and in extreme cases, people dug holes
Automobiles and Airplanes
What were some impacts of Cars?
What did Lindbergh Accomplish?
What was the main Purpose of planes?
- Impact of Cars
- Ford was the big name
- Helped women get to jobs and change the way they live
- New roads and gas stations
- More j
Monday- 1930's started to present.
The causes of the Great Depression-
What are the causes of the Great Depression?
Stock Market Crash
Dust Bowl
Bank Failure
Stock market crash
People started investing money that they didn't have.
There was ab
Anarchy = When a country doesn't have anyone in power and it's like a free for all. Oligrachy = When a small group of people run a country. Capitalism = Where people own and control busnises harder you work means more money but theres more poor peopl
Monday- Great Depression
-Stock market crash og 1929
- Black Tuesday (October 29, 1929)
- 2 months after original crash (Lost more than $40 billion)
-Bank Failures (9000)
-Deposits Uninsured
- Soving Lost
- No loans
- Leas to less and less expenditures
What were the main causes of the great depression?
Stock Crash in 1929 on black tuesday
- Bank failures, deposits uninsured, savings lost, no loans, lead to less
- Reduction in purchasing across the board
- Fears of further crashes, stopped buying