Thursday- Go over Current Events, such as ten democratic people who have said, or are planning on running for president in 2020. We learn about Beto O'Roarke, A democratic rep in texas, and his views on what kneeling during the national anthem means
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Monday- Start Going over the 1920's Statements
Describe some major inventions in the 1920's
1920-First U.S. Radio
1921-Adhesive Bandage, Lie Detector
1922-Electric Blender
1923-Traffic Signal, Instant Camera
1926-Garage Door opener
Monday - went over scopes and monkey trial as well as the electricity gangsters and the prohibition
Tuesday - talked about the the government shutdown as well as some of the politics from the 1920s
Tuesday - The republican mostly believed in small go
- Government shutdown has been 20 days 11 hours.
- People aren't getting paid for their work yet and they will soon need to quit their jobs because they aren't receiving income
- Common Americans aren't getting paid and they cannot afford bills and are goin
Electricity - Lightbulbs were created in 1880 but electricity was more commonly used later on. Thomas Edison - first lightbulb (Direct Current). Nikolas Tesla - Alternating Current (AC). Ac is what was more widely used and what we use today.
Monday- Today the 1920's did the presenting.
Electricity and Applinces-
Be able to describe major inventions in the 1920's.
Be able explain what changed in the 1920's
-Fanklin, Volta, Faraday, Telsla and Edison.
-These were the eariler people that worked
Broke the record for longest government shut down with 23 days. investigation is going on about the election between Trump and Russia. People think that the president is helping the Russian government which is unheard of. This might be the biggest sc
People would hide their alcohol in wine barrels. 18th Amendment banned the selling, making, or transportation of alcohol. People wanted prohibition because men would lose their jobs because of alcohol, women would get beaten by their husbands, c
Monday: talked about forum post leader stories, started presentation
Lauren 1920 Red Scare: communism-everything is owned by the people and everyone is equal(gov. takes over), feared to lose the right to own land, practice own religion, speak/act as t
-Explain the causes of the booming stock market
explain the 1924 election
--World War I benefited the USA
-Kept buying from European Markets after the war-
- McCumber Tariff 1922
- Laissez Faire
- People could buy higher priced items using installi
- Mr. Bruns reviewed WWI
- We were assigned our topics for the presentations
- Research
- Research
- Research
- Research
- We talked about forum posts
1920's and 1930's presentation
- Presentation or Video Documentary
1932-1936 Presidential Elections
13 Rules and expactations and rubric is on daily summary
Tuesday- Worked on project
Wednesday Worked on project