Lightbulbs used in 1880 but more common later
Thomas Edison advertised DC
Tesla advertised AC
More inventions
Chores became much easier
Entertainment was provided easier through electrical appliances and
Better for business (fridges, assembly line)
(scopes monkey)
Religion was still very much ingrained in our country
Fundamentalists didn’t support theory of evolution
Tennessee vs Scopes
Scopes diobeyed law (19250
ACLU hired Clarence for defense
WCFA hired Williams Jennings Bryan to assist prosecution
Clarence asked Bryan to testify
Scopes was fired & fined
Darrow said the bible shouldn’t be taken literally
35 years later, more information became widely available on the topic
US wanted separation of church and state to stop arguments
1967 Butler Act repealed (finally allowed for the teaching of evolution)
1920 - 1933 Prohibition (alcohol)
Drys supported prohibition
Alcohol sold in concealed ways to make sure they could sell it
18th Amendment
Alcoholism fueled support
Usually the alcoholics would come home and abuse their families
Crime/poverty: people would lose their jobs
Casualties: went further up when they were under the influence
Karrie nation
Broke beer bottles in saloons
Major cause of crimes
Her first husband was a wife-beater under alcoholism
Al Capone )quit Chicago school)
He illegally sold alcohol (bootlegger)
Speakeasy ( secret bar)
Prohibition bureau wanted to get rid of them through federal law enforcement
More and more people were convicted under prohibition
More was erased in a computer crash