January 28- Feb 1

Monday: Hoover Background, accomplishments, "Good Neighbor" policy- improved relations with Latin American Nations, Central America (Mexico), South America, Caribbeans (Latin America), Republican Philosophy-normalcy: let businesses succeed without interference- Laissez Faire: minimum gov interference in the business/economy(rich getting richer, poor poorer) DESCRIBE REPUBLICAN PHILOSOPHY TEST!!, Isolationism: staying away from foreign affairs, Trickle Down Theory: tax cuts to wealthy people who own business, Rugged Individualism: belief that individual people can succeed on their own-no gov help, REASONS STOCK MARKET CRASHED: many Americans bought stocks, stocks were selling for more than they were worth-prices were inflating, top stocks had dropped to almost previous value, many stockholders couldn't afford their stocks and were financially destoryed=(1)stock prices were selling for more than they were worth-overinflated/overvalued stock prices! (2)Buying stocks "on margin"- they paid a small percentage of the cost and borrowed the rest from banks, (3) overproduction of farm crops, steel, durable goods, and iron=companies sold items for no profit- but stock prices kept going up (reallllly bad opposite what should have happened), (4) Federal Reserve Bank (where banks would get money from in time of crisis) increased interest rates-people withdrew money from banks, stopped borrowing money, selling-economy crashed

Overpriced shares, rising bank loans, agricultural crisis, higher interest rates, cynical press-public panic

Tuesday: forum, test Thursday, went over key questions, study

Wednesday: no school, PD day

Thursday: Test

Friday: Test

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