Jan 21-25

Teapot/dome scandal - navy's potential oil reserve taken by private sector, HAring allowed it

Veteran's Bureau

  • Freboes head
  • Dealt with medical care of veterans
  • Forbes gave contractors extremely land

1920 Election:

  • Dominated by WWI aftermath
  • Wilson hoped the 1920 election would be referendum on League of natios
  • Dominated by Republicans
    • Nationalistic and Fundamentalis


  • Coolidge became president in 1923
  • Coolidge restored integrity
  • Frank Lowden nominated


  • Coolidge didn't run for second term
  • Hoover became president
  • Was confident in permanent prosperity but faced the great depression in 1930s
  • Alfred E. Smith dem candidate
  • Slogan: "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage."

Economy/strikes in the 1920s

  • Stocks
    • Share or part of company
    • Presented in market showing changes in value
    • Stocks up in 1920 making people more rich
  • Why they went up
    • Europe destroyed in WWI
    • They relied on US economy
    • It wasn't extremely pricy for us
    • We built everyone back up and it payed back a lot
  • "Buy now pay later" Businesses kept selling people stuff and the people didn't pay on the spot, putting the people in debt
    • It helped poor/middle class people a lot
  • Tariffs were higher so that American businesses would be strengthened
  • Protectionism
  • Boston police strike
    • 3/4 the force went on strike (1100)
    • They did it for normal reasons
    • Local militia stepped in to take their place
  • Us Steel Strike
    • Am federation of labor fs us steel corporation
    • 350,000 workers
    • For better pay and benefits
    • Owners slandered them
  • Mine worker strike
    • Washington agree 1917, puts fines on strikes, $1 a day until you resume work and formed unions
    • 14% wage increase

Harlem Renaissance

  • Establishment of Harlem
  • Dense African American population, inspiring new arts
  • Originally mean to be upper class white neighborhoods
  • African Americans moved in more and more 
  • Great Migration (What was it) was where the ex-slaves and sharecroppers moved to the north for better industrial wages
    • White people didn't want them in the North
    • When they moved to the north, the northerners hated it
    • Harlem was a big place to move during that movement
  • Louis Armstrong
    • Trumpet player
  •  Activism brought new ideas of African Americans
    • African Americans had a new culture to identify with and be a part of
    • Laid the groundwork for the Civil Rights movement
    • KKK spread from the south and was disbanded during reconstruction
    • They reemerged with millions of people during the 20 and every member had to recruit ten more
    • They hated anybody who wasn't a white
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