21-22 no school
Blackface = when you paint yourself to look like a black person. Kids at a university decided to make a video where they in blackface. They will not be returning to their campus. Last year a teacher dressed in blackface not knowing that's what it was. She didn't lose her job but she could have. Late 1800s is when it started. People would paint themselves black for entertainment. They would try to make African Americans look dumb. White Privledge is when you get treated better because you're white. Whitewashing is where you would choose a white person over other races like in acting or cartoons.
Joni Ernst, a republican senetor, says that she was raped by her bouyfriend in college and domestically abused by her husband. Radical is when your ideas are far out and over dramatic. Climate change will affect the ratio of male-to-female newborns, scientists in Japan say. every 100 females born there are 103 boys. When the heat rises less girls are born. when there's more stress less boys are born. Trump says he won't give State of the Union during shutdown after being disinvited by Pelosi. The constitution states that the president needs to give this speech every once and awhile. Pelosi said that the speech would have to be set back so Trump sent one back saying that she would have to wait until after the shutdown for her to go on her military trip. They continued to argue back and forth and now the speech won't happen until after the shutdown is over. Both sides are to blame for the shut down for varies reasons. Michael Cohen's, Trumps lawyer, House testimony is postponed. He says that the presiden tis giving threats against his family making him scared to do the testimony. Kids from Ohio went to Washington to doing a march against aborsion. A video was taken and posted to Twiter causing that acount to be suspended. There was a Native American banging on a drum and protesting peaceully. The kids started to mock or have fun while waiting for their bus to come. Some kids started doing the tomahawk chop and singing. They first misnamed the kid that stood there and smiled at the Native American. He said that he was trying to defuse the situation. There was African Americans who were yelling at the kids to back off and being hateful. The kids say they started doing school chants. The Native American then started to bang hi