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Feb 4-8

Monday: forum posts/blogs due, EC, test format, 1930's-Causes of Great Depression: (Hoover villas-bad parts of area people really poor), Stock Market Crash, Bank failures, reduction of purchases, American economic policy with Europe, drought conditio

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1-7 to 1-11


Mr burns went over 1920s and 1930s project  are project 1930s


1920s prohibition and gangsters, women's rights, politics elections presidents backgrounds and accomplishments, entertainment sports games music dancing radio movies fads food,

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Jan 28 - Feb 1

Impact of cars

  • Ford was the biggest company in 1920s
  • Roads and gas stations started appearing
  • 1900 - 1920/8000 - 8000000 cars
  • Fast food/drive through started being created
  • Cleaner streets
  • More job opportunities

Charles Lindbergh

  • Became first man to fly acros
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1/28 - 2/1


Cars supplied easy transportation and helped with street conditions because no horses were needed. Cars gave teens more freedom on dates and hangouts. Charles Lindbergh- A pilot that would go on solo non-stop flights. He joined the army. He flew

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January 28th- February 1st

Monday- Strikes

All the power was in the hands of the owners

They could fire you and blacklist you

Not a lot of people liked labor unions.

During war time we could not afford to go on strkes

Not a lot of strikes during WW1

Lots of strikes during the 1920's

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