January 28 - February 1

Monday- I presented 

- Stock MArket Crash 

- Large Bank LOans 

- Low wages 

- Lack of government involvment - pooling + buying on margin 

- Credit usage 

- Over Valued Stock Prices 

"Black Thursday" - 12,894,650 stocks traded 

- Investment companies bough stock- moderate rally no Friday 

- Monday- market went into free fall 

-"Black Tuesday" - stack prices collapsed 

16,410.030 traded shares

- Billions of dollars were lost - wiped out thousands of investors 

- Stock tickers fell behind 


- Suicide rates went up 

- Prices dropped (1932 stockes only worth 20% of their value)

- Was not a couse of the Great Depression - it was a "Sympton" lead to it

Tuesday- Bruns went over I Can and Key Questions for the test

Wednesday- NO SCHOOL

Thursday- Took the first part of our 1920's test 

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