income inequality

income Equality is a major problem today, with millions of people in poverty and unable to break out of the cycle it is cuased by vcarius factors, such as job loss, lack of education, limited access to markets and reasources, economic crisisdiscrimination by employers and companies, and corrupt goverments. Even in these dark times there are some solutions such as, increasing goverment regulation of corporations and the job market, providing access to job markets, education, and reasources, implemanting stronger social security systems to help the impoverished, and reducing economic inequality by increasing the minimum wadge and closing wealth gaps between the rich and the poor. Income inequality is a serous problem cuased by job loss, lackof education, and limited access to markets and reasources. It has meny negitive effects such as reduced access to medical care and higher crime rates.


questions for reader

1) How does income inequality effect the job market?

2) what are some of your solutions for income inequality?

3) What would you do in combat inequality all togather

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  • bump

  • I beleive that income equality is a serious subject, seeing as it can become a factor that contributes to rinsing crime rates and loss of medical care. Some solutions may include a government funded program that opens up job and education opportunities to those who fit a certain criteria, or raising the minimum wage.

  • I don't think it should be equal since there are some people that have harder jobs then others. If people aren't getting paid good for a hard job it would be useless to do it if every job was getting paid the same amount. I think if every job chooses how much money they hand out then they can hopefully get a good amount of money. If I was in a combat inequality I would try to get things sorted out so many people aren't poor.

  • I agree that there is job loss, lack of education, and limited resources, but I am unsure of income equality. I think this because some people do jobs that put their lives at risk, work much longer hours then others, and spent lots of time working there way up. I believe there could be different solutions to this like a minimum wage raise, or something to help people get jobs to be able to pay for bills. 

  • I do not think jobs pay shold be equal. lets say someone working at burger king is making $13 dollers an hour. then there is a welder making $30 an hour. I belive that is right since being a welder would be harder then putting fries in the fryer and making burgers. 

  • How does income inequality effect the job market? I think income inequality may cause people that would make less turn down jobs. People that are already working these jobs may realize they make less than their coworkers and that could cause outrage. 

  • I think income equallity should be a thing depending on your job. If you have job that requires alot of maual labor than you should be paid more than others that would have a desk job in a big building. Therefore I think that harder you work and the more hours you work the more you shall get paid.

  • How noticeable is this gap and how concerned should we be? Also, what are some measures that you think the everyday American can do to combat this issue, can it be done without major government oversight?

    • well think of the gap as the rich and the poor. there does not exist a middle class anymore. that is half of the reason why slums exist. for the measures, i think some of them could be raising the minamum wadge so people can make a living salary without having to break their neck working hours on  end just to get by and for the goverment oversight, that depends on how serious it is.

  • I don't think income should be equal. Some jobs are harder than others and some need a college education and others don't. I don't think it would be fair for a Dairy Queen worker to get paid as a teacher. The teacher had to go to college for a degree, whereas a Dairy Queen just had to sign up.

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