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Weekly Blogs 10/8-10/12

MONDAY- talked about Zeus

TUESDAY- projects 

WEDNESDAY- no class, Justice Christenen talked to us 

THURSDAY- talked about girl's education, went over the powerpoint, people presented their god, watched video


Islands, water 

didn't have great farmla

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Week of 10/8-10/12

Monday-Why did Cities grow so fast?

Immigrants moved from overseas

Farmers gave up and moved in

African Americans moved in after the civil war

Cities had jobs and entertainment/culture 

Immigrant provided cheap labor: they were not parts of labor union, s

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Week of October 8th to October 12th




 Zeus Video


 Judge Assembly


 Zeus Video


Greece is a small country in Europe, main part of Greece is a Peninsula, there are 6000 islands, and most of them are not inhabited. Greeks couldn't travel ver

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Monday - 

Greek Mythology presentations

Tuesday - 

Watch Zeus Video

Wednesday - 

Judge Assembly

Thursday - 

Watch Zeus Video 

Friday - 

Finish Zeus Video

Notes: Grece

Grece lots of islands 6000 (lots of mountains 75%)

Not great farm land

Very small country in Eur

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October 10-18


  • MIssed class due to assembly. 


  • Kavanaugh 
  • US Map - Western
  • Presentations


  •  Burke High School 
  • US Map Practice
  • Presentations


  • US Map Class Quiz - Western
  • Presentations


  • Presentaions 


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October 8th-12th

Monday-speaker in auditorium

Tuesday-Kavanaugh is in the supreme court now. school used guns in half time show and the teacher is on leave.


Christians see it as only a man should love a women and not another man. People are born male or female an

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10/8/18-Today we did not have CWI because of an assembly

10/9/18-Today we did more of the group projects and the daily news fo today and yesterday


*In a religious overview they say that male and females and made for each other and shoudl only be w

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  • Monday- 


  • People say over the weekend about climate change that things are looking 'dire.' Since the 1900s we have increased our temperature by about 1 degree, and by 2040 we need to cut our CO2 but 40%, and by 2050, 100%. A school in Mississip
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10/8 - 10/12

Monday : 

Monday 10/8

Why did cities grow so fast?

  • Immigrants
  • Farmers moved to the city
  • African-Americans moved to the cities after the civil war
  • Cities offered more jobs and opportunities
  • Cities offered more entertainment/culture
  1. Immigrants provided cheap l
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Monday: Puck cartoon- senate, true bosses are big monopolies, 

Portrays standard oil as octopus: big evil monster, produce, arms are controling whithouse, congress etc...was a play on the pipelines also, standard oil had their arms on everything and w

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10-8 to 10-12

8th - 6.3 notes

We went over a Puck cartoon and it showed the senate and how the big monopolies really rule the government. Another cartoon showed standard oil as a big evil squid and how it was involved everywhere and had control over congress. A tra

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10-8-10-12 US History Notes


Standard oil as an octupus- big evil monster

Cheveron owns trademark today H Standard station in each of 16 states they serve

Sherman Anti Trust Act-1890

Made it illegal ti form a trust that interfered with free trade between states

trust- monopol

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Oct 8-12


Monopolies are the ones that truley yeild the most power instead of the Senate. Standard Oil was represented as a Octopus because it really had its arms around everything so it was controlling everything. Cheveron owns the trademark today and has

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Oct. 8- Oct. 12

10/8- started mini presentations

10/9- finished presentations

10/10- went to assembly

10/11- watched video about Zeus 

10/12- finished video and took notes

  • The main part of Greece is on a peninsula
  • Greece is surrounded by three large bodies of water
    • Mediter
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0ctober 8 - 12

Monday - 

why did cities grow so fast 

  • immigrants 
  • farmers moved to the city
  • african americans moved to the cities afer the civil war 
  • cities offered more jobs and entertainment 


  1. immigrants provided cheap labor 
  2. Oil boom - it is what fuel the industrial re
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October 8-12

Monday -

Whay Did Cities Grow So Fast?

- Immigrants 

- Farmers moved to the city

- African-Americans moved to the cities after the Civil War

- Citites offered more jobs and opportunitites 

- Citites offered more entertainment/culture

5. Immigrants Provided

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