Monday-Why did Cities grow so fast?
Immigrants moved from overseas
Farmers gave up and moved in
African Americans moved in after the civil war
Cities had jobs and entertainment/culture
Immigrant provided cheap labor: they were not parts of labor union, so people could pay them whatever they wanted, and they were easily replacing people.
Oil Bloom- what fueled the industrial revolution, it lit peoples homes, powered cars.
Bessemer Process- cheaper way to make steel, and quickened the process
Various Inventions- Electric LIght Buld- allowed people to light their homes better, so they could work later
Typewriter- allowed people to document much easier
Telephone- revolutionized communication
Railroad- brought the country together, shipped resources to factories and the finished products,
Captains of Industry- John Rockefeller, Corneilius Vanderbuilt, Andrew Cargegie, J. Peirpondt Morgan
Monopolies make is so that consumers dont get choice on what they buy, and they can charge whatever they want, for whatever price they want.
Monopoly-when a company in a certain industry buys out all competition or at least tries to, and control as close to as 100% as possible.
Can lead to higher prices due to lack of competition. Can also lead to poorer products due to the lack of competition.
Chinese Exclusion Act-1887- Banned all chinese immigrants, we banned them because we were racist then to others because they kept wages low, and took jobs.
But it was mostly because of skin color
Gentleman's Agreement-1907-Informal agreement between the United States and Japan
The Goal was to reduce tensions between the US and Japan--Russo-Japanese war and School segregation
the U.S. agreed to:
Acccept the prescense of Japanese Immigrants already living in the U.S. and permit the immigration of wives, children and parents. End discrimination against Japanese-American children in California Schools.
Why did cities grow so fast?
Farmers moved to the city
African-Americans moved to the cities
Cities offered more jobs and opportunities
Cities offered more entertainment
Problems in the City:
Cramped, old, dirty housing
Lack of Good Transportation
Lack of Safe Drinking water
Disease was common
Streets were filthy
Poverty due to low pay at work
Jacob Riis- wrote a book called "how the other half lives", brought light to how people lived in poverished towns, acted as sort of a crusader.
Solutions- Cities put restrictions on building wood-frame structures in the center of the city-Why? So fires would have less fuel when they did burn, and they had less collaspement from buildings
Cities encouraged the construction of lower-income dwellings on the city outskirts-Why? So when accidents happened, they didn't destroy the business districts that had been raised by people, and were easier to control.