Monday-speaker in auditorium
Tuesday-Kavanaugh is in the supreme court now. school used guns in half time show and the teacher is on leave.
Christians see it as only a man should love a women and not another man. People are born male or female and you cna't change what gender you are just because you feel like you aren't living in the "right body". Lgbtq beleives its ok to change your gender if you feel like you are "trapped" in the wrong body.
Wednesday-Present about student rights
Thursday-class quiz over the western states. finish presentation over student rights.Hurricane hit the pan handle of florida. international day of girl, girls don't go to schoolrandom pregancy tests in 8th grade, can get kicked out of school for life.
Human trafficking-
- trade of transportation
- sex trafficking
- use forcesexual acts
- money
- forced abor
- kidnapped
- victims in a locked room
- guards are violent
- modern slavery
- runaways/homeless
- children under 18
- transgenders are targeted because they can look like a male or female 5% more likely to harmed
- exchange sexual acts for money
- pretend to be a different age
- meet someone from online
- mental illness
- get rich quickly
- low self esteem
- improve their life
- child labor-don't attend school
- child sex trafficking-long lasting, drug addiction
- sex trafficking-prostitution, sent from city to city
- labor trafficking-working for free
- all the money you make goes to the person that owns you
- illegal immigrants
- physiological trauma
- effect population growth
- learn the indicators
- call human trafficking if you see it, do something about it
- make awareness
- big places with this problem-houston, new york city, los angeles, chicago
- 51% women and 21% male and 28% children
- it can happen to anybody
- always be aware
Gender wage gap-
- women have always been paid less than men
- 80 cents to a dollar
- 20% difference
- women make up half the work force
- women have more college degrees than men
- women were thought of less than a worker
- the gap has gradually decreased
acts passed-
- acts have been passed to minimize the pay gap
- not expected to close until 2050
- asian men and women are making the most money
do all jobs have wages
- teachers are paid equally
- tennis players
women in congress
- there are more males in congress than females
- its more popular for men to be agressive and wanting to work harder than women because when women do it, it makes them look bad