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October 15th-18th


lack of education-

what is is?-

  • boys go to school
  • girls stay home and do things around the house

why is it a problem?-

  • people aren't getting the education that they need
  • boys will retake the class or drop out
  • will live in poverty
  • girls get married at
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  • Kelsi+Kira (gender wage gap) In congress only 19% are women so it's hard for them to pass bills. As you get older the gap gets larger. Experts say that men get paid more because when men are strong and outspoken they are viewed as positive, b
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10/15/18-Today we finished up the group projects and talked about what we are doing next

Lack of Education

*Girls stay at home and boys attend school, it is a problem because people aren't getting enough education and girls will marry at a young age fo

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10/15- 10/18

Monday- Test

Tuesday- Test

Wednesday- Test

Thursday- Chapter 8

Key Questions:

8.2- How did education cahnge in the late 1800's and early 1900's?

8.3- What laws and restrictions were put on African-Americans and other minorities after Reonstructed ended?


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Monday- watched presentations 

Tuesday- took 5 minutes of notes

Wednesday- watched the Iowa Supreme Court talk in the auditorium

Thursday watched Zeus video

Friday- finished Zeus video 

Importance of Geography to Greece

  • The sea was extremely important to t
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10-8 to 10-12

The rapid expansion of the U.S in the late 1800s and early 1900s was due to a massive influx of immigrants from everywhere. These immigrants moved from all places around the world. Angel and Ellis Island were immigrants would be transported to become

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Monday- talked about Zeus

Tuesday- projects 

Wednesday- no class, Justice Christenen talked to us 

Thursday- talked about girl's education, went over the powerpoint, people presented their god

Friday- We have a test 

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