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What Helped the Industrial Revolution to Take Off In US in the Late 1800’s?
Section 1:
- Tons of natural resources
- Coal
- Copper
- Timber
- Zinc
- Government helped business
- Laissez- Faire
- Cities were growing
- Farmers moved to city
- Job oppertunities
- African American
A humanoid robot named Erica talks to a man in front of stunned audience members in Madric. Erica is not programmed to respond to sentences, but instead key words in sentences to respond to. She has human like characteristics, but not too human. This
Josh Kenkel
New School Security
After the parkland shooting in florida were 17 students were killed and 17 were wounded, many schools decided to have new technologies to
Monday/Thursday- video
Saturday night there was a limousine accident in New York outside an Apple Barrel restaurant. The limousine had 18 passengers that were on their way to a birthday party. They went over a intersection going about ten or so miles per hour over the spee
Went over our video worksheets. Things that helped the industrial revolution take off in the US included lots of Natural Resources that gave buisnessmen something to make a profit out of, Government helped Buis
Friday 10/5-
What helped the industrial revolution take off in the late 1800's
1. Lots of natural resources:
coal, copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, zinc,t imber, etc.
2. Government helped business
Laissez- Faire (hands - off)
3. Cities were growing
A lot
access to link:
Monday- We watched Men who made america episode six.
Tuesday- We finished men who made america ep six and started episode seven.
Wednesday, We finished episode seven, and started episode 8
Tons of Natural Resources- we had plentiful natural res
Monday -thursday: had watched the video
What caused the Industrial Revolution to take off in US in the late 1800s
- coal
- copper
- lead
- molybdenum
- phosphates
- rare earth elements
- uranium
- petroleum
- natural gas
- bauxite
- gold
- iron
- mercury
- nickel
- potash
- silver
- tungs
1st - We continued to watch the entrepreneur video and go over a few notes with the video worksheet.
2nd - We continued to watch the entrepreneur video after going over video worksheet discussion.
3rd - We continued to watch the entrepreneur video.
10/1/18- We had a presentation. Mr. Bruns touched on his power point a little. Over the stuff that the boys missed or didn't talke to much about.
10/2/18- Watched a video
were also told to studdy for the group test tomorrow.
Monday- Went over worksheet, went over extra credit expectations and watched video.
Tuesday- Watched Video/ went over worksheets
Wednesday- Watched Video
Thursday- finished video and went over workseets
Friday- Finished Worksheet 8 and 9.
What Helped the
10/1- sumerians presentation
- Were originally nomad people
- Came to power 5000-4000 BC
- Transformed into Babylon
- In the Mesopotamia fertile cresent
- Tigris and euphrates were important and bad because of unpredictable flooding
- In modern day Iraq
- Near the Persia
- large city states
-city states lead by govenor/emperor
-Gilgamesh - most famous, king
-Government - credited with first government, laws, and punishments
-Downfall was dynasties/neighbors
-Geography -mesopotamia fertile crescent
-tigris a