Standard oil as an octupus- big evil monster
Cheveron owns trademark today H Standard station in each of 16 states they serve
Sherman Anti Trust Act-1890
Made it illegal ti form a trust that interfered with free trade between states
trust- monopoly
If Rockfeller were alive today, estimated wealth would be 660 billion dollars in todays money
6-7 times that of Warren Buffet and Bill gates currently two richest men in the world
Labor Unions
It is a union of laborers in a specfic industry banding together to get better wages and conditions
Power in numbers
Laber Unions were important because it gives a voice for workers and gets better wages and conditions for workers
What did unions do to get better wages and conditions
-Strikes picketing
-Sit ins
- Viloence
Why did labor unions struggle to win strikes in the late 1800's and early 1900's
All power was in the hands of the owner
would simply fire workers and hire immigrants and hire immigrants who needed work
Immigrants had it better in US factories that in Europe
Would hire strikebearers to take place of workers
Would impose lockouts
Would blacklist workers
Workers were called communists and socialists
Everyone was agianst the labor unions/workers at first
Owners, police, newspaper, goverment
Was established as a Fedral Holiday by President Grover Cleavland in 1894 after some workers died at the hand of the US Army during Pullman Strike of 1894
Clevaland and Congress passed it unanimously to appease labor unions
Immigration and Urbanization
- Why di immigrants come to the US?
Land Shortages
Religous or political persuction
In Debt or in trouble
More Oppurtunties The American Dream
- Farming, mining, working on the railroad, cattle ranching, factory work
- Reunite with family
- Streets paved with gold
What is the birthright chitzenship- if your born in the US
anchorbabies- anchiored to stay in us in the front of the line
11.4 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States
Define nativism- people who try to get laws passed to benifet WASP
Define WASP- the people who founded America
White Anglo Saxion Prodisent
between 1870 and 1902 0 million europeans came to the US
Old immigrants vs new immigrants
Came from northern or western Europe- Came from souhern or eastern Europe
Were protestant/ were not protestant
Were literate and skilled/ were illerate and unskilled
came over as families/ came over as birds of passage
were quick to assimilate/ were clannnish and reluctant
were experinces in ways of democracy/ were radicals or autocrats
had some money in their pockets/arrived impoverished
were tall and fair/ were short and dark
Steps to America
- Step one Leaving Home
-Step Two on Board the Ship
Step Three- Inspection
Step four- Beyond Ellis or Angel Island
$30 dollars to make the trip over/ a person
In total about 20 percent of peole were detained
80% were free to go after a few hours
Only two percent of the immigrants seeking refuge in America would fail to be admitted
Then we watched videos over ellis island
Angel Island- for darker skin asians
Set to be deystroyed- proffesor saw all the writing on the walls and thought it was important so signed petiton
Money Exchange, then you were free to go
1/3 of the people went to new york and 2/3 went somewhere else
WHY immigrants disliked
Took Jobs
Kept Wages Low
Diffrent Culture
Chinese Exclusion Act- 1882
Banned all chinese immigrants to the US 1882-1902
Gentlemens Agreement- Informal agreement between the United States and Japan
- The goal was to reduce tensions between US and Japan
The US agreed too
-Accept the precense of Japanese Immigrants
- Permit the immigration of wives, children and parents
- End Discrimination agianst Japanese- American children Calfornia Schools
WHY do cities grow so fast
- immigrants
-Farmers moved to the city
-African Americans moved to the city
- Cities offered more jobs and oppurtunties'
-Cities offered more entertainment
Problems in the city
- Cramped, old, dirty housing tenements
- Lack of good transportation
- Lack of safw drinking water
- Disease was common
- Streets were filthy
- Crime
_ Fires
-Poverty due to low pay at work
Jacob Riis "How the other Half Lives"
Defines tenemnents
Dumping Garbage in New York- Harbor Late- 1800's
Name a Problem City had-
-Brick Buildings
- Steel frame
-Fire Ecscapes
- Sprinkler Systems
- Limiting how many people can live in a tenement
Problem Lack of Safe Drinking Water Act- clurorine
Disease was common, horses were replaced eliminating the manure
Added Chlorine to water
Intorduction of indoor plumbing
George Warning- cleaning streets
White Uniforms- clean/ clean up the cities
- Organized Police Force
1911- Fingerprints are first accepted by US courts
Problem- Fires
Better Building codes/ fire ecscapes sprinkler system
Full time firefighters
Poverty due to low pay at work
- Labor Unions
-Minimum wage laws
-Shorter hours
-child labor laws
Henry ford's $5 dollar day
Political Machine- a political orgnaztion, usually controlled by a single boss that controlled votes and had adminstrative control of a city, county, state
These organzations provided social services and jobs to people recent immigrants in exhange for votes
Very corrupt
Boss Tweed
Was the boss of the Democratic political machine in New York City
The Building Tweed worked in Tammany Hall