8th - 6.3 notes
We went over a Puck cartoon and it showed the senate and how the big monopolies really rule the government. Another cartoon showed standard oil as a big evil squid and how it was involved everywhere and had control over congress. A trademark forces the owner to use the trademark or risk losing it, like Standard using gas stations to keep that name. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states. We looked at a cartoon of Teddy R. taking down to snakes, monopolies. Rockefeller would have a net worth of $660 million, 6 or 7 times that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.
Labor Unions - It is a union of laborers in a specific industry banding together to get better wages and conditions. Power in numbers. Labor unions were/are important because it gives a voice for workers and gets better wages and conditions for workers. Labour Unions used strikes-picketing, sit-ins, and violence to try and get better wages and conditions. Labour uitions struggled to win strikes in the late 1800's and early 1900's. All power was in the hands of the owner. WOuld siply fire workers and hire immigrants who needed work, factories were better in the US. Would jire strikebreakers to take the place if wierkers. Would impos workers. Workers were called communists or socialist. Everywone was agaist the labor laws at first. Labor day was set up by President Grover Cleaveland in 1894 after some US Army guys killed workers during the Pullman Strike of 1894.
9th - 7.1 notes
Push-Pull Factors - Famine, Land shortages, Religious or political percecution, war, in debt or in trouble. Pulls are more opporotunities-$$- The American Dream (Farming, mining, working on the railroad, cattle ranching, factory work), reunite with family, "streets paved with gold"
W-White A-Anglo S-Saxon P-Prodestant
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" by Emma Lazarus is on the Statue of Liberty. Between 1870 and 1920, 20 million Europeans came to the US. The old immigrants were WASP while the new were unskilled and different ethnicities. New immigrants had a hard time fitting in so they built mini towns.
10th - 7.1 notes
Steps to leaving America included leaving home, on board the ships, inspection, and beyond Ellis or Angel Island. It was 30 dollars to make the trip over alone. The trip over and your experience depended on how much you spent, steerage was the worst. Ellis island used a six second inspection to find any defects and illness. 20% were detained for medical treatment. 80% were free to go after a few hours. Only 2% of immigrants were sent home. Angel Island was the West coast equivilent for Ellis Island. It dealt with Asian people and was to be demolished but is now a museum. After inspection you exchanged your money for US dolloars then you were free do do whatever you pleased. Chinese Exlusion Act (1882) Banned all immigration from China. Gentleman's Agreement (1907) Informal agreement to reduce tensions between the US and Japan. The US agreed to accept everyone who was in the US 2. Permit te immigration of wives, children and parents, end discrimination agaist Japanese children. In exchange for Japan not issuing working Japanese to go to the US to work.
11th - 7.2 notes
Cities grew extreamly fast due to immigrants, farmers, African-Americans, entertainment, and the cities offering more opprotunity. Between 1860 and 1900 New York city tripled in population. Problems in the city included cramped, old, dirty hoursing (tenements), lack of good horses, lack of safe drinking water, disease was common, streets were filthy, crime, fires, poverty due to low pay at work. Jacob Riis, "How the Other Half Lives", included the life in tenements. The solution to tentements and fires included fire escapes along with stronger frames. The replacement of transportation included street cars, automobiles, subways, and planes. Chlorine was put in water to make it safer to drink. They got rid of the manure problem, made indoor plumbing, and added chlorine to prevent disease. George Waring invented and used recycling to keep the streets clean. Crime was solved mostly by organizing a police force and usig fingerprints.
12th - Testing