In Clarksville Tennessee, A man that his killed two people, robbed places, and stole a car has been found after a week of searching. The man went on the run a week ago and went into the woods and no one seen him sense. The police found him very dirty, had camouflage on, and heavily armed. The police used a bloodhound to track him and find him walking deep in the Tennessee woods. When the police found him, they spotted him walked and moved in and pointed their rifles at him and he surrendered. The police call it Sheer luck because they were in the right place at the right time. One of the police men have said that he has corrupted the community but now will be healing knowing he is behind bars.
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- If you were a cop and saw the man heavily armed, would you have fired at him or got closer?
I would have honestly just shot the heavily armed man if I thought that the my life or the lives of the fellow officers were in danger. The man was stupid enough to run and avoid police while being armed.
- How long do you think the man will be behind bars?
I think a good few decades because he did kill a man and take his truck. They also believe he tied up a woman and robbed her