Oct 8-12


Monopolies are the ones that truley yeild the most power instead of the Senate. Standard Oil was represented as a Octopus because it really had its arms around everything so it was controlling everything. Cheveron owns the trademark today and has a Standard station in each of the 16 states they serve. They need to do this to keep the trademark or else they will lose it. Sherman Anti-Trust Act made it illegal to form a Trust that interfered with free trade between states.  Most of the big Oil companies were derived from Standard Oil. (Cheveron, ExxonMobile, bp, Marathon, etc.)If Rockefeller were alive today, his estimated wealth would be 660 billion in today's money. Mr. Monopolys real name was Rich Uncle Pennybags. Labor Unions are a union of laborers in a specific industry that band together to get better wages, conditions, hours, etc. (Power in Numbers) The immagrants would hurt labor Unions because immigrants were too desperate for jobs to risk joining a labor union and lose it. Labor Unions brought us the Weekend, Child Labor Laws, Overtime, Minimum Wage, Injury Protection, etc. Abor Unions did Sit-ins, Violence, Strikes-Picketing to get better wages and conditions.Labor Unions stuggled to win strikes in the late 1800's and early 1900's because all power was handed to the owner and they could just fire workers and hire immigrants who needed to work. Immigrants had it better in US factories that in Europe. They would hire strikebreakers to take the place of workers, lockout the strikers and bring in the new guys, and blacklist workers. AT first everyone was against the unions and workers because they were called communists or socialists (and for other reasons). Labor Day was established as a Federal Holiday by President Grover Clevland in 1894 after some workers died at the hands of the US army during the Pullman Strike of 1894. Clevland and Congress passed it unanimously to appease labor unions.


Some reasons immigrants come to the U.S. might be because they are escaping war, famine, land shortages, religious or political persecution, in debt or in trouble. America pull imigrants to it because there are more opportunities (money). They can live the American Dream. Immigrants would go into farming 
(the homestead act, mining, working on the railroad, cattle ranching, factory work. Immigrants also came over to reunite with family. The top countries of origion of immigrants include Mexico, El Salvador, etc... WASP stands for White Anglo Saxon (Germanic tribes that integrated into great Britain) Protestants. WASP were people trying to escape religious persecution. Nativists are people that are seen that want to keep the country a white, dominest population. KKK was a group that was basically against anything that wasn't WASP. For a long time, the country was kinda anti- Catholic."Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, and Your Tired Masses..."- a quote on the Statue of Liberty written by Emma Lazarus. From 1821 to 1910, the country allowed many imigrants be fore it went down for a couple  years, before spiking back up towards the present. 


Old immigrants were WASP while new are from southern or eastern Europe, were not prodestant but catholic, darker skinned, etc. Steps to come to America 1- Leaving Home. 2- On Board the Ship (about a week, costs 30. Conditions were dark, smelly, overall poor)3- Inspection (Inspected for diseases, they would mark passangers sleeves with chalk) In total about 20 percent of people were detained for medical treatment. 80 percent were free to go after only a couple hours. 2 percent of the immigrants seeking refuge in America would fail to be admitted. 1/10 people died during trqansportation. 4- Beyond Ellis / Angel Island. Ellis Island was on the East coast (usuallyEuropean immigrnats) and Angel Island was on the West Coast (Asian / Darker Skinned immigrants) Both are Museums now. Cashiers exchanged their countries money for American money. People didn't like immigrants because they took up jobs, they kept wages low, they're a different culture, and there was racism. Chinese Exclusion Act banned all Chinese imigrants from coming into America for 20 years. Gentleman's agreement was an informal agreement between the US and Japan. The US agreed to accept the presense of Japanese imigrants already living in the US and Permit the immigration of wives, children and parents.


Cities in the US grew fast because of the Immigrants, farmers moved to the city, African Americans moved to the cities (after civil war), Cities offered more jobs and ooportunities and entertainment. New York tripled in size and philidelphia doubled from 1860 - 1900. Problems arose in the cities such as the housing was terrible, there was lack of transportation, Lack of safe drinking water, desease was common, streets were filthy (horse drawn carriages), Fires, Crime, and there was poverty due to low pay at work. Jacob Riis was a newspaper writer who helped raise awareness about the poor. and their living conditions. He called it, "How the Other Half Lives" and people did act after seeing this. 

(Computer died so I wrote more notes on paper)


Poverty due to low pay at work - Solution - minimum wage laws, child labor laws, shorter hours, Henery Fords 5$ a day. Political Machines  was a political organisation, usually controlled by a single "boss", that controlled votes and had administrative control of a city, country or state. Ex: If mayor had elected power of city, the "boss" would control the mayor.  The organizations provided social services and jobs to people (recent immigrants) in exchange for votes. They were very corrupt and over taxed the people for things. Ex: 5 million to build park, instead they charge 30 million (pay off judges, police, etc.). Boss William Marcy Tweed was the boss of the Democratic  political in New York City. Thomas Nast helped take down Boss Tweed and other Political Machines. Once and a while Mayors wouldnt listen to Bosses but most of the time they listened because the Boss is the one that got the mayor elected.





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