10/8/18-Today we did not have CWI because of an assembly
10/9/18-Today we did more of the group projects and the daily news fo today and yesterday
*In a religious overview they say that male and females and made for each other and shoudl only be with each other and not with the same gender
*All people, no matter their story, if their gay, straight, transgender or not are loved by God
*God said that"not good that man should be alone" which means that he could not know himself as male without his other who shared his humamity; Woman
*The LGBTQ community belive that God has made them the way they were supposed to be, they don't want to be treated any differntly
*Those who have an older view on it are usally less acepting and belive it shouldn't be legal, or allowed, most modern churches are more accepting of them
*Lesbian, Bisexual, and gay people are 10 percent mor likely to face discrimination, 30% receive physical abuse, 26% are kicked out of their homes
*45% of trans young people attempt suicide, 25% end up homeless, and 85% report being bullied during school
*The Religious conclusion would be to identify someone by their sexuality is just their opion.
10/10/18-Today we watch the daily news, went over the U.S map, and did more of the group projects
Student Rights
*Students protested the Vietnam war by wearing black armbands, the students were suspended, the parents of the students sued the school for taking away their free speach
*Matthew Fraser gave a speach nominating Jeff Kuhlman for Student body Vice president, it was filled with sexual innuendos, It was against school policys by using disruptive behavior
*Students wrote in the newspaper about divorce and teen pregnacy, Principal throught they were inappropriate topics for the news. Even though it is inappropriate, it doesn't violate the First Amendment
*A middle schooler wore a t-shirt that made fun of the president, the parents went to the superintendent and sent the student home, the situation made it's way up to the Court of appeal.
*During the 2002 olympic torch relay some kids ran outside holding a banner that said "bong hits 4 Jesus", it was an across the street but still off school property
*Based on Supreme Court cases, there weren't many problems with freedom of speech.
*In the pass dress codes weren't really a problem, words on clothing was popular until recently
*Legally schools aren't supposed to punsh students unless it causes a big disruption, schools can't punish theme because it makes them uncomfortable
*Wesley Teague got suspended my making fun of their football team on twitter
*In Oregon 20 students got suspended for tweeting that a teacher flirted with the students
*In 2012 a 6th grader posted that a hall moniter was mean to her and the school told her to take it town, so she posted and said who told on me and the school made her give them her twitter password
*In NC the made a law that students can't threaten teacher, In the "Tinker" case the court said school couldn't punish students just to avoid controversy
*A five year old in Houston was sent home early because she was wearing a spaghetti strap dree because it was "distracting"
*A girl named Stephanie Hughes was sent home for wearing a shirt that showed her collar bone even though she put a scarf on, A black student had the cops called him for wearing a bandana even though the white students around him weren't told to take it off.
*In a school in Califronia made an anti-dress code rule so they could wear any clothes that are usally not allowed, more schools are seeing what they are doing so they are debating over the dress code rules
10/11/18-Today we went over the current news, did the U.S map class quizz, and went over the last few group projects and our group project
10/12/18-Today we went over the last of the group projects
Gender Pay Gap
*Women have always been payed less than men, its a 20% diffrence, for every dollar a man makes a women makes 80 cents, even though women make up half the workforce
*Women were expected to stay at home at work, gradually the pay gap has decreased, In 1963 women earned 60% of what men did, Over the course of 30 years it was cut in half into 80%
*Acts have been pass to minimize the gap, The gap won't close until 2050, 1963 the Equal pay act was passed, the senate is still being worked on to get acts passed.
*Not all jobes has a wage gap, Teachers are paid equally and tennis players. 23% of the senate are women and in the House of Represnetatives are 19% women.
*As you get older the gap get bigger, some solutions to it would be to support pay transparency, and make it more difficult for companies to pay male workers more than female worker
*Th equal pay act passed in 1963 to make women and men have the same pay, which didn't raise it to exactly the same as men but now it is a lot closer than it was back them