0ctober 8 - 12

Monday - 

why did cities grow so fast 

  • immigrants 
  • farmers moved to the city
  • african americans moved to the cities afer the civil war 
  • cities offered more jobs and entertainment 


  1. immigrants provided cheap labor 
  2. Oil boom - it is what fuel the industrial revolution, 
  3. Hennry bessemer - found a cheaper way to make steal 
  4. Various invention - eletric light bulb-thomas edison    

typewriter - christoper sholes 

telephone - alexander grand bell 

      5. Railroads- it was the transpertation for reasorses 

      6. Monopolises - were bigger buissnes buys smaller buissnes 

- they are bad because they raise prices and get ride of copotition 

      7. Sherman anti - trust act 

  • made it illegal to form to trust that interfered with free trade between states 



industrial revolution - becoming more modern and move out of agricultural 

labor Unions - they brought the weekend, child labor laws, overtime, minimum wage, injury protection, workmens compensation insurance, pension security 


Wednsday - 

chapter 7.1

the old immigrants

  • were protestant, liberated and skilled, had money in their pockets - Wasps - people that are like the rest of america 

the new immigrants

  • came from southern or eastern Europe, were not protestant were catholic, orthodox, jewish, were not skilled 

on the trip to america the trips conditition was nasty, stinky, dirty, crouded, people were throwing up, and in every 10 persent of people would die 






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