- Monday-
- People say over the weekend about climate change that things are looking 'dire.' Since the 1900s we have increased our temperature by about 1 degree, and by 2040 we need to cut our CO2 but 40%, and by 2050, 100%. A school in Mississipi is in a lot of trouble now becuase they had a halftime show that had kids pushing down other kids and bringing out guns. The band teacher is now on administrative leave and probably won't be back.
- Raven and Joeseph (Religion and LGBTQ+) Christians say that man and woman are made from each other, like how God meant for it to be. It says in Genesis that it takes man and woman to make on flesh. All people are loved by God, even if it IS a sin, God still loves them. Deuteronomy 22:5 says its an abomniation for women to wear a mans clothes and vise versa. LGBTQ+ believe that God created them llike they are, and gave them those attractions. Apparently they get attacked and they only discrimate against Christians because they do first. There are different levels of acceptance in Churches about whether it's right or wrong. 50% of kids get negative reactions from their parents, and 26% are kicked out of their homes, and 30% get physical abuse. adults are 3 times more likely to use drugs, 8 times more likely to attempt suicide, and 6 times more likely to be depressed. 45% of trans attempt suicide. 85% of students report being verbally bullied
- Hadley and I presented
- National girl day!
- There are problems in India with men not respecting women. The Me Too movement has now spread to them
- Haley and Brayden (Human Trafficking) people use force towards their victims and make them do work or sexual acts. They get money that you make for themselves. They're kidnapped then locked into a room you can't escape. They approach poor victims. They say they're taking you into another country to get education but they're taking you there to sell you. Most at risk- homeless or runaway kids. Lesbians and gays are 5 times more likely to get abducted. And children under 18. More likely to be trafficked- online relationships, unhealthy relationships, if they have a mental illness.
- haley and brayden- conseuences of trafficking-sexual abuse, form of modern slavery, can affect population growth, physiological trauma. solutions- if you see it call the human trafficking hotline (1-888-373-7888) and make awareness of it. Top 5 cities known for it- Houston Texas, NYC, LA, Chicago, and Washington. 2016 51% of traffickers were women, 21% men, and 28% are children. the people that are traffickers are 63% men and 37% women.
- kira and kelsi (gender wage gap) during WW2 women didn't work a lot but then when the men go to war they had to step up and work. Men make $1 for womens 80 cents. But more women earn more college and graduate degrees than men but still earn less. women are paid less because they were expected to stay home and work, so when they went to work finally they were thought of less workers than men. paycheck fairness vote was blocked by 2 men so it can't be equal.