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March 4 - March 8

Monday - Test 

Tuesday - Test 

Wednesday - Bruns talked about our next projects on his PowerPoint 

Thursday - Germany's WW2 Story (1919 - 1945) 

- 3 major Powers 

- Germany, Italy, and Japan 

- Others 

- Slovak Republican, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hun

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March 4th-March 7th

Monday- TEST

Tuesday- TEST

Wednesday- Today, we are getting assigned on  a weapon of choice. We are going to make a presentation on WW2 weapons and what they did. 

Thursday- We talked about fourm posts, and we also work on our student presentations. We

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March 4th-7th




WWII Student Assignment

Due March 13th


Go over what led into the treaty of versaille 

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Feb4 -March7

the impact of the great depression

-  the suciuide rate went up the highest which was 20% it mostly affect people who was 25-64 years old 

- many teens drop out of school and only 30% of teen actually graduatude many kids drop out becauxe there parnets

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March 4th-8th

Monday: test

Tuesday: test 

Wednesday: world war 2, assignments, one weapon of WWII and explain it in Google Doc, movies, WWII powerpoint

Thursday: 2-hour late start, WWII powerpoint, swastika, Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan (main), map, treaty of V

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March 4-7 US History Notes

Monday- Testing over Great Depression Part 1

Tuesday- Testing over Great Depression Part 2

Wednesday- WWII Project, Watch WW2 movies and do a summary review due March 18

- Saving Private Ryan, Downfall, Letters from Iwo Jima, The Boy in the striped pyja

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Mar 4th - 7th

The south switched to republican instead of dempcrate from the civil rights act of 1964. 2000 election Florida had to be recounted several times. 2004 came down to Florida and Ohio. Bush qwon both of these. 2008 Obama won because he won the key state

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Feb 25th March 1st

Monday-No School

Tuesday-we go over the presentation in order to study. 

RFC-Gave loans to banks, state and local governenment in use for emergencies. 

CCC- Gave help to young men, paid them 30$ a month, 25$ went back to family. Members lived in camps,

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2/25 - 3/1




Relief (to people that need it) Reform (of finance), Recovery (for the economy.

New Deal Programs that benefited... Unemployed people (didn't have money for their families), Young People (Dropped out of highschool), Banks, Stock Marke

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February 25th - March 1st

Tuesday- We studied for the test thursday by studying the powerpoint. 

RFC gave loans to banks, atate and local govt's, and business' to create jobs.

Dissolved during the WWII years.

CCC- Civilian Conservation Corps-

Helped the young pe

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Feb 18- Feb 22


New Deal Programs

Civilan Conservation Corps(CCC)

Most successful new deal program

1,433 camps

300,000 workers

$30 per month

57,000 illerite

learned to read

Ended in 1943


Federal Emergency Relief Act(FERA)

Most Notable

Bulit highways, schools and damns.

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Feb 25th - Mar 1st

 Man who people believe faked an accident about getting beat up for being gay and black. He did this to build up his career. Instead of building it up he lost his job in a tv show. Donald Trump kissed an African American women back in 2016 and she is

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February 25- March 1 US History Notes

Monday- No School


FDR New Deals, Relief, Reform, Recover

How did the new deal help, unemployed people, young people, banks, stock market, factory workers, farmers, homeworkers, elder;y, consumers, native americans, artists, musicians, writers e

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February 25 - March 1

Monday - NO SCHOOL 

Tuesday - Bruns went over PowerPoint

Wednesday – Bruns went over PowerPoint

Thursday – Bruns went over PowerPoint and did a test Review

How did the New Deal Help...?


- Unemployed People

Reconstruction Finance Corporation 

- Gave loans t

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Feb 25-29

Monday: snow day

Tuesday: New Deals: F.D.R. plan to get out of the depression, Relief for the needy, economic recovery, financial reform (fix stock market, fix banks), test probably Thursday, know a new deal program, RFC- reconstruction finance corpor

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February 18th- February 22nd

Monday- Wasn't at school

Tuesday- New deal 

Explain what farmers dealt with durning the great depression.

Farmers in need

Ag was a high priority in the New Deal

The farm credit act (1933)

Soil act (1935)

The amount of farmers decresed throughout the years.


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